Is it normal that i am afraid of fat people

Every time I see a fat person I feel nervous and get extremely sick to my stomach. I've been this way since I was around 6 and it's getting way out of hand. I feel so bad because it's rude to act the way I do. Nobody in my family takes me seriously! My mom thinks it links to my eating disorder I use to have from the time I was in 3rd grade until 10th grade. I'm not sure! Anyone else?

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35% Normal
Based on 103 votes (36 yes)
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Comments ( 10 )
  • They're more afraid of you, than you are of them.

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  • Are you afraid they'll take a bite out of your arm?

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  • Anime7

    I feel like it's normal to be repulsed at the sight of an obese individual, but to fear them? I want to say that that is normal, because (and this is just my opinion) they are what we fear becoming. However, you have to keep in mind that they are people. They're not monsters from another planet who only came to earth to consume. This may sound odd, but what constitutes a fat person by your book? Do they have to be obese? Can you handle people with a little chub? I think this is one of those fears that you kind of have to deal with head on, again my personal opinion. Try talking to an overweight person, there are some nice people out there even if there outsides may not show it.

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  • wibujanai

    God made everyone in His own image and Jesus died for all sinners, including fat people. Besides, they probably really are more afraid of you than you are of them. Afraid of being rejected or being judged for their weight. For example, someone who's on a medication that makes them gain weight could be afraid that people are judging them by assuming they are lazy or eat too much because they're fat when it's really all because of their medicine.

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  • Koda

    When I see someone who's like 652 lbs or something, I'm a little freaked out, and I try not to stare, but being obese and even morbidly obese nowadays is so common in the Western world that your fear is definitely irrational. In fact, one of my friends is like five hundred pounds XD

    I think it's very logical for your mom to connect it with your eating disorder. Your old self-hate has left its emotional scars.

    What you need to realize is that a lot of fat people aren't gluttonous and greedy. Some people have thyroid problems and other things that cause their metabolism to slow. Even if they eat like a bird, they store almost all calories they consume, so by the time their growth spurt is over, they just gain weight until they plateau at whatever weight their metabolism has assigned for them as "normal". For some people, this is dangerously obese. These people will often lose weight rapidly when they get ill, only to gain it all back again.

    Being fat isn't always a choice, so take comfort in the fact that some people's bodies are going to be naturally more heavy set. It's just human variation.

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  • KacyWatson

    Yes be afraid, because we will eat you

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  • cupcake_wants

    Likely by making fun of them, ur creating bad karma that u will become obese yourself.

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  • Pika-girl

    Just think: Are they human, too?
    Well, yes. Yes, they are. But just with a different shape.

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  • Goomats

    It's not normal, but I wonder if it doesn't have something to do with something that happened in your life. Did you ever get abused or mistreated by a very heavy person when you were younger? Were you ever accused of being fat yourself? What was the motivator for your eating disorder? Maybe you can find the answers to these questions and it will make you less afraid.

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  • thegypsysailor

    I'm afraid of them too. Can't you just imagine yourself being squished to death because some fat person unknowingly sat on you?

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