Is it normal that i am afraid of ghost?
i am 26 but i cant sleep without turning on the tv and with the light on.. i have scary scary thoughts such as ghost and vampire or what so ever. is it normal?
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i am 26 but i cant sleep without turning on the tv and with the light on.. i have scary scary thoughts such as ghost and vampire or what so ever. is it normal?
I hope you don't read this before you go to bed but sometimes when I wake up/am up in the middle of the night and have to go out into the hall I always get creeped out because I imagine a little leprechaun running quickly behind me back and forth.
It's normal. If it makes you feel any better, I'm afraid of the dark (or more accurately what could be IN the dark) and I have to sleep with my computer monitor on so that it acts as a nightlight. :)
It happens, could be related to an experience you had when you were younger or it could just be that you have a phobia of these things. Nothing to be ashamed of either way.
Dude ghosts aren't real and neither are vampires u need to see a therapist or have some kind of medication when u sleep or u can just stop being a wuss and turn the light off and forget about it just remember ghosts aren't real.