Is it normal that i am afraid of ghost?

i am 26 but i cant sleep without turning on the tv and with the light on.. i have scary scary thoughts such as ghost and vampire or what so ever. is it normal?

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59% Normal
Based on 46 votes (27 yes)
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Comments ( 6 )
  • TeaNami

    I hope you don't read this before you go to bed but sometimes when I wake up/am up in the middle of the night and have to go out into the hall I always get creeped out because I imagine a little leprechaun running quickly behind me back and forth.

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  • squirrelgirl

    It's normal. If it makes you feel any better, I'm afraid of the dark (or more accurately what could be IN the dark) and I have to sleep with my computer monitor on so that it acts as a nightlight. :)

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  • Grimlock2020

    It happens, could be related to an experience you had when you were younger or it could just be that you have a phobia of these things. Nothing to be ashamed of either way.

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  • Themaskedman

    Dude ghosts aren't real and neither are vampires u need to see a therapist or have some kind of medication when u sleep or u can just stop being a wuss and turn the light off and forget about it just remember ghosts aren't real.

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    • mrdoodle

      Werewolves are real I can prove as I am one

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  • shuggy-chan

    What about space ghosts?

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