Is it normal that i am afraid of hights but want to skydive

I am not old, but when I was little I rode a roller coaster and have been afraid of heights since that day. About 4 years ago my cousins forced me to ride a roller coaster, and I loved it for some unknown reason. The thing is although I liked the ride being that high still terrifies me. With all that being said for some reason despite being afraid of heights i have an urge to go skydiving. Is that normal?

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81% Normal
Based on 78 votes (63 yes)
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Comments ( 5 )
  • karmasAbich

    Sky diving is an amazing sport. Absolutely normal to feel compelled to sky dive. I know people who are terrified of heights, but love sky diving. Conquer this fear of yours. Good luck

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  • Sidekickz

    well there are cases off being afraid of heights where you want to jump off everything high, i think it could be this

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  • Who_Fan4Life

    I am the exact same way. I hate things like roller coasters and such. But the idea of jumping out of a plane and seeing all the greenery below would seem like an incredible experience, and one certainly that I'd never forget.

    My friend from work is the same as I. He hates heights, but he just up and did it one day, and he loved it. I think you should go for it!

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  • zchristian

    Im afraid of heights but still feel like jumping when on a tall building...

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  • curintedery

    I am terrified of heights, and I did it. Seriously, I was shaking in the plane... but when I got shoved out of that plane attached to someone I'd known for 30 minutes, it was amazing. I'd never do it again, because I was scared out of my mine, but I'll never regret it, because it was amazing :D. Do it man...

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