Is it normal that i am afraid of most puppets
I have a very intense fear of ventriloquist dummies, most dolls, and ALF. I do not know why, and is it normal?
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I have a very intense fear of ventriloquist dummies, most dolls, and ALF. I do not know why, and is it normal?
I hate dolls too; that Goosebumps book about the ventriloquist dummy really scared me when I was younger. Even now, mannequins creep me out a little.
OMFG im scared shitless of CHUCKIEEEEEE *shivers* and still am i think that had an effect on my when i was a kid, i got the same problem.
perhaps watch some jeff dunham on youtube will make them less scary and more comedic ;)
puppets are a metaphor for how god and satan speak through people and control them.
I hate anything fake in human form...if that makes sense haha. I hate puppets, clowns, dolls, even cartoons with people characters.
On the other hand, anything with animals though, I love!
I don't know what ALF is, but have you perhaps had a traumatic puppet experience in your life?
Or do you associate them with anything negative?