Is it normal that i am afraid of t.v. snow (black and white spots)?

I have been terrified of it my whole life. Whenever my T.V. loses it's signal and that rushing noise starts I run out of the room. I even sometimes start to cry when I'm in too much shock to move.

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43% Normal
Based on 60 votes (26 yes)
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Comments ( 21 )
  • Terence_the_viking

    Tv's don't do that though anymore do they? i thought all you get now is a blue screen.

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  • dirtybirdy

    Don't watch Poltergeist...they're heeerrre.

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    • megadriver

      Wasn't that the funny movie with a thing comming out of the TV?

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  • Matter_and_Energy

    I'm going to go ahead and say it's normal, as a phobia it's a lot more common than you might think. I know at least three people who have had it and as a child myself I was bordering on it.

    As a kid I sometimes had dreams where I would see TV snow and it terrified me, frozen in fear as you describe. I'd try to scream but I'd be unable to.

    When awake in real life ordinary, uniform snow didn't bother me but when it was between signals and the snow started flickering, getting those weird lines and patterns and changing from light to dark and making weirder flapping, fuzzing noises, there were a couple of times when I could no longer keep the terror bottled in and I went sprinting through to my mum in bawling, screaming, jumping hysterics.

    I can't explain why it was terrifying, it just was. Even then I knew there was no way it could harm me, the fear was completely illogical. Then I grew out of it just as unexpectedly.

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  • Normallyabnormal

    Don't watch The Ring either.

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  • Avant-Garde

    Think all the way back to the first time you started to fear this. Was there something that could have triggered this phobia?

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  • Shackleford96

    Wait, is it just the picture on the screen or is it the noise, or is it both of them combined? Mute the television and see if it's still scary to you.

    White noise is quite a disturbing sound, I suppose it's normal that you could be so scared of it. They even make scary movies featuring televisions doing this.

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    • disthing

      It's weird, because white noise is also often a tool used for relaxation. It has a similar effect to rainfall - it's like a blanket of sound. So for a lot of people, it's the opposite of disturbing.

      However, I think in this case it's largely to do with context. A television suddenly losing signal and hissing at you can take you by surprise and put you on edge, especially when you're alone.

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    • leadmare711

      It's a combination of both.. :/ thank you!

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      • Shackleford96

        You're welcome :)

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  • SuperBenzid

    The noise is evidence for the creation of the universe and the giant explosion of matter and anti-matter that entailed. In a sense it is a rather scary phenomena.

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  • Hannah2137

    That's a little extreme, but yes it freaks me out too.

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  • megadriver

    I just get angry, cause there is no more signal.

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  • mpiparanormal

    Children are afraid of loud noises. Then add to that, static on the television. Probably frightened at some point in your early years and it stuck w you

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  • Wendell

    Who calls it tv snow you mormon

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  • EccentricWeird

    Learn to write asshole

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    • leadmare711

      And would you mind pointing out what I wrote wrong? It would sure help me a lot more than calling me an asshole.

      Oh, and last time I checked the correct punctuation of that sentence would be

      Learn to write, asshole.

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      • Maggie2000

        You wrote 'loses it's signal' but you should have written 'loses its signal'. 'It's' means 'it is'.

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        • leadmare711

          Ah I see :) thanks!

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          • Maggie2000


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    • leadmare711

      Ahhh grammer natzis. Hou ife misset u!

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