Is it normal that i am afraid of tags?

I am deathly afraid of tags. I have special scissors that I use to cut the tags out of my clothes. Then I have to wash those scissors, and sanitize them. I will not touch a tag, and if one so happens to touch me, I have to wash my whole body. I do not like tags on blankets, pillows, clothing, ANYTHING. People make fun of me but I cannot stand them. They are top notch my biggest fear in life. Is this normal and does anyone have the same fear?

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11% Normal
Based on 89 votes (10 yes)
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Comments ( 7 )
  • Fidgety

    That fear is not normal. I do hate tags, but I don't get the feeling to wash myself after touching one. They aren't going to give you a disease.

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  • pufferton

    OCD. Maybe see a therapist? Or just talk to a close family member. If this furthers, with tags or with other things It could get in the way of your daily life- which is definitely not something you want to be dealing with.

    Good luck :)

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  • StarScream18

    Vestiphobia is the fear of clothing and the closest thing to your fear. Every human being has a fear and fears are normal.

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  • FaeryGirl89

    Sounds like OCD to me. I'm not trying to be rude or anything just honest

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  • Shackleford96

    If a tag is bothering my skin or making me uncomfortable somehow, I'll rip it out. I've put holes in the necks of many-a-shirt doing this, but at least they are comfy :)

    Your extreme fear of tags is not normal though, no.

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  • nobleserpent

    No. You might be crazy.

    I wish I was kidding.

    (Jk. I don't wish I was kidding)

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  • Energy

    Psh, that sucks! I buy so many clothes, I sometimes forget to take the tags off, and me and my friends just make a joke of it! You'd probably stab me, wouldn't you? Haha!

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