Is it normal that i am afraid of tooth aches?
If you put them in your mouth, you could get a splinter. I stepped on one when i was little and it went halfway into my foot. It was a giant splinter.
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If you put them in your mouth, you could get a splinter. I stepped on one when i was little and it went halfway into my foot. It was a giant splinter.
Wooden tooth brushes maybe?
Since you may have mucked up this topic a bit, maybe try asking something that you REALLY do want to find out if its normal or not.
May as well use this site whilst you can ;)
Oh tooth 'picks'. (Just came to me)
Sir Bartholomew Fancywigs IV is, I daresay, renowned as the finest medicale practitioner in all of Westonbury, and he confided upon me that the propere application of leeches is a fine remedye for all but the most advanced of maladies! As such I beseech you to abstain from the usage of toothepickes!
Sir Reginald Fisticuffs III