Is it normal that i am afraid of vomit?
So, for as long as I can remember I have been afraid of vomit. It affects my everyday life. And I know that it is an irrational fear. A lot of people don't understand emetophobia. In order to better explain this disorder, I have some examples of the things that contribute to my fear: I dread public transportation. I am afraid of someone throwing up and not being able to escape. I avoid being around sick people, even if it is just a cold. When I get scared, I start to panic. First, my heart starts racing. Then I feel my face heat up. And then comes the nausea. The only comfort items that help in a situation like this are minty flavored gum and water. These things never leave my sight. It is not only the fear of seeing/hearing someone throw up that scares me. I also fear the thought of throwing up myself. I pace. I cry. I tremble. I completely lose it. I am a psychology major, and I know that desensitization is a very effective method of treatment, but I can't bring myself to do it. I am pretty sure this is a means of maintaining control, even of normal bodily functions. I am afraid of undergoing another traumatic experience that will push me even closer to the edge. Please tell me that I'm not the only one on is it normal to have a stupid, irrational fear.