Is it normal that i am against people who make their cats vegan?

I am highly against people who do that, this is due to the fact the diet can kill it and it's not safe at all, therefore I prefer giving it the proper diet that every typical cat would need to have ( which is obvious that they eat meat. ). This also can make them sick.

If I ever get a cat again I will never ever make it go vegan.

P.S. : If you want to feed vegetables to a pet, then get a pet rabbit.

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89% Normal
Based on 27 votes (24 yes)
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Comments ( 14 )
  • litelander8

    lol. I love how everyone is so excited about this topic.

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    • MonteMetcalfe

      Is there anything more exciting than vegan cats?

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      • litelander8

        I didn’t even realize it was a concept.

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  • idolomantis

    I agree, cats shouldn't be made to go vegan. My cat does have a strange love for bread, though. If I don't watch him sometimes he'll steal my toast off my plate lol

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    • My cat goes crazy for fruit bars as soon as I open them up. And if I make popcorn his primal instincts literally take over 😼😄

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  • harkosv

    Cats are obligate carnivores. Depriving them of meat could easily constitute animal abuse. Think of it as depriving a person with asthma their inhaler

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  • Rocketrain

    I had dogs. And it ate what ever I ate. No special food for them. If I'm eating vegan my dog eat vegan. If I'm eating fish he ate fish. If I ate meat he ate meat. Me pizza, he pizza. Me burger, he burger.
    I never force my pet to eat in a particular way. He just had to go with what I had.

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  • RoseIsabella

    My cat eats a meat based diet, nothing but the best for my baby! 🥰

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  • Vvaas

    cats literally need meat to live, they can't create their own taurine and need to get it from meat. all those bs "vegan" cat food brands claiming synthetic taurine is fine is also complete bs, cats can't process synthetic taurine and need actual, real taurine straight from the natural source. join any "vegan" cat facebook page and look at how many people are complaining about their cats going blind, kidney issues, crystals in their urine, etc. it's absolutely disgusting

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  • Boojum

    I have no problems with people who decide to go vegan. I don't particularly like meat myself. I agree that there's a lot wrong - in animal-welfare and environmental-impact terms - with the meat industry. I'm also convinced that eating a lot of meat isn't particularly good for us.

    However, just as I have problems with religious or political extremists who try to force others to conform with their narrow-minded personal beliefs, I really dislike militant vegans. I also detest holier-than-thou folks, and an awful lot of vegans are like that.

    Cats are obligate carnivores. Not feeding an animal you're responsible for a diet that meets their nutritional needs is animal cruelty. As a matter of fact, that's specifically mentioned in the UK's Animal Welfare Act. So someone in Britain who doesn't allow their cat to eat meat could, in theory, be charged with animal cruelty.

    Some of what vegans believe is nonsensical. For example, I'm a beekeeper, and having read what PETA and other such wingnuts claim about how honey is produced, it's very clear to me that they don't know much about the subject, and they see things in stark black and white terms when the reality is very different.

    Anyway, animals aren't specifically raised to be turned into pet food; animal food is a by-product of the human food industry. The parts that end up in animal food are the cuts and scraps and mechanically recovered slurry that people don't want to eat. So it's not like a vegan refusing to buy a can of cat food is making any contribution at all towards the reduction of animals raised for food. If everyone in the world stopped buying meat-based processed animal food tomorrow, the only result would be even more abattoir waste going into landfill or incinerators. And, in a way, that's even more disrespectful to the animals that were raised to produce food for humans.

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    • 1WeirdGuy

      More than 80% of the animals PETA takes in they put to sleep. They're the biggest hypocrites out there. They've even stolen people animals and killed them.

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      • harkosv

        PETA does that because sadly, most of the 80% of those animals won't have any sort of quality of life or are very seriously ill

        But PETA's a fucking disgrace. I have no idea how that organization is still up and runnign

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        • 1WeirdGuy

          But they will steal someone pet and put them to sleep. Like if your dog is on a leash in your yard (they dont believe in leashes) they have been known to take that dog illegally and then go kill the dog. This is not done in a thoughtful way either. Its criminality. Its not some commity and trial its just "Oh I dont think thats a good owner lets kill the dog"

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          • harkosv

            Like I said; PETA's a fucking disgrace

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