Is it normal that i am an 18 year old girl, and want a motorcycle?

I am 18, in college, and I really really want a motorcycle! I've taken a safety course, and passed a written and riding test! People think it's weird that I want this and continuously tell me its stupid. I don't know any females my age that want to ride, is it normal?

Voting Results
95% Normal
Based on 77 votes (73 yes)
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Comments ( 13 )
  • im_scared24-7

    other peoples oppinions shouldnt effect who you are. like how i like to where things like a blue shirt pink tank top and orange pants mixed matched socks and gray shoes. people call me crazy and it really bothers me but i remember that thats who i really am.

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  • RomeoDeMontague

    That is because most women your age probobly have a boyfriend with one. They don't buy one themselves. Its also very difficult to ride since they are very heavy and you have to be very strong to maneuver. You are not stupid. I actually think its pretty cool that a chick wants a motorcycle. Thats as they put it "Badass". More power to you girl! Though it is going to be a lot more dangerous on the road. Since cars don't always pay attention for bikes and motorcycles.

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  • rexdarling

    It's a little abnormal, but pretty bad ass. Learn to be a very good and defensive driver since it can be very dangerous.

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  • metallicafan

    ofcource its normal. you shoudnt listen to other people if you realy like it. its the same thing whit music, you listen what you want, not what other people listen.

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  • CountryRoads

    I ride because I want to be a hot motorcycle chick, not just a hot motorcycle bitch that rides on the back.
    Do it!

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  • tori

    Go for it! My husband and I used to belong to a motorcycle club. Lots of women had their own bikes. I didn't tho. Just be careful. People in cars don't look for motorcycles.

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  • L8rG8r

    Why would it be abnormal to want a motorcycle? Because you're a girl? Is it abnormal for a guy to cook?
    If you want to be taken seriously, stop feeding into some construct of what's expected of you and stop polling other people to check if it's okay with them to be who you are. And just be who you are.

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  • deb

    Oh my gosh me to! Perfectly normally.

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  • GinnyWeasley

    actually thats sound cool, like in a badass way lol

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  • isaactaruma23

    of course!!
    i ride motorcycle to go to school, hang out, etc.
    that's normal!!

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  • Chillpill

    If you really want one, just go for it! Try it and see how much you enjoy it. If you change your mind later on, you could always sell it

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  • Bellapro

    That's fine, just be careful on the road as some car drivers don't respect motor bike riders and vice versa!

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  • Sweetz

    If you want one go ahead. It shouln't matter what others think or say. Do what pleases you.

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