Is it normal that i am annoyed by my family thanking god?
I am an atheist and my family is Christian. I know, right?
My little sister was diagnosed with cancer 2 years ago and what did my family do? Pray.
They took her to a doctor and started aggressive treatment. Who did they thank for the treatment?
Nope, not the insurance company, God.
Every night they prayed at the dinner table to give thanks for my sister being alive. Who did they thank?
Nope, not the doctors and treatment, God.
Our school hosted a fundraiser and a bunch of the girls got their heads shaved or came in with cool wigs to donate to my sister and put together money for the wig-making and to help my parents pay the bills. Who did thank for those people's generosity? God.
A few weeks ago, we found out that her cancer is in remission. Who did they thank?
God. Doesn't matter that it was the doctor that saved her life. Nope. They thanked God.
It doesn't matter that the doctor saved my sister. It doesn't matter that those people donated money and wigs. They thanked God. No, I'm not a coward. I pointed this out to them. Could they give me a logical argument against it? No. All they said was some bullshit about faith. Every time I say anything about it, they send me to my room or tell me to just shut up. These idiots wouldn't know logic if it mugged them in an alleyway.
These people are idiots, does anyone else get annoyed by this?