Is it normal that i am annoyed by my family thanking god?

I am an atheist and my family is Christian. I know, right?
My little sister was diagnosed with cancer 2 years ago and what did my family do? Pray.

They took her to a doctor and started aggressive treatment. Who did they thank for the treatment?
Nope, not the insurance company, God.

Every night they prayed at the dinner table to give thanks for my sister being alive. Who did they thank?
Nope, not the doctors and treatment, God.

Our school hosted a fundraiser and a bunch of the girls got their heads shaved or came in with cool wigs to donate to my sister and put together money for the wig-making and to help my parents pay the bills. Who did thank for those people's generosity? God.

A few weeks ago, we found out that her cancer is in remission. Who did they thank?
God. Doesn't matter that it was the doctor that saved her life. Nope. They thanked God.

It doesn't matter that the doctor saved my sister. It doesn't matter that those people donated money and wigs. They thanked God. No, I'm not a coward. I pointed this out to them. Could they give me a logical argument against it? No. All they said was some bullshit about faith. Every time I say anything about it, they send me to my room or tell me to just shut up. These idiots wouldn't know logic if it mugged them in an alleyway.

These people are idiots, does anyone else get annoyed by this?

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Comments ( 44 )
  • anti-hero

    That is a little much. But, -phew- at least your sister is okay. Thank God for that.

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    • Even YOU don't believe in God.

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      • anti-hero

        How could you know what I do and don't believe?

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        • I've been here for a while. I may be mistaken but I could have sworn you were an atheist.

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          • anti-hero

            Nope, never claimed that. I am anti-religion, not anti-God.

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      • 1000yrVampireKing

        They are not saying the doctors did not do anything. They are thanking god that they are their to help her to begin with, that they have insurance to help her. just because you are pissed off others believe does not give you are right to be rude to others about it. Wishing someone well is not a bad thing. You realize some countries do not have good doctor. Some places can not use treatment to cure this kind of thing. Some places have to fly over sea since the doctors in the area they live are not good enough to cure/help them. So you are lucky the doctors are good enough to help her at all. Let alone have the type of equipment they need. Not every country has good medical care.

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  • kelili

    I think that you should live and let live. You're doing yourself no good. If you try to change people by being aggresive you'll fail.

    Forgive him God for he does not know what he's saying.

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    • suckonthis9


      In Roman mythology, Clementia was the goddess of forgiveness and mercy. She was deified as a celebrated virtue of Julius Caesar, who was famed for his forbearance, especially following Caesar's civil war with Pompey from 49 BC. In 44 BC, a temple was consecrated to her by the Roman Senate, possibly at Caesar's instigation as Caesar was keen to demonstrate that he had this virtue. In a letter to his friend Atticus, Cicero is discussing Caesar's clementia: "You will say they are frightened. I dare say they are, but I'll be bound they're more frightened of Pompey than of Caesar. They are delighted with his artful clemency and fear the other's wrath." Again in Pro rege Deiotaro (For King Deiotarus) Cicero discusses Caesar's virtue of clementia. "Yes, you, Gaius Caesar, are the only conqueror in whose hour of triumph none save combatants have fallen. We, free men born in freedom's fairest clime, so far from finding you a tyrant, have seen in you a leader of unbounded mercy in the day of victory" (34.1). There is not much information surrounding Clementia's cult; it would seem that she was merely an abstraction of a particular virtue, one that was revered in conjunction with revering Caesar and the Roman state. Clementia was seen as a good trait within a leader, it also the Latin word for "humanity" or "forbearance". This is opposed to Saevitia which was savagery and bloodshed. Yet, she was the Roman counterpart of Eleos the Greek goddess of mercy and forgiveness who had a shrine in Athens. In traditional imagery, she is depicted holding a branch and a scepter, and may be leaning on a column.

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      • DolphinAngel

        Princess Celestia rules over Equestria!

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  • KnightNigelWellingtonXXI

    Your sister just had cancer and you're worried about your family praying and thanking god??!? Get your priorities straight, man!

    Knight Nigel Wellington XXI

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    • My priorities include logic and truth. Theirs include giving thanks to a mythical diety.

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      • KnightNigelWellingtonXXI

        Do your priorities include tolerance? You probably think you're hot shit because you're something your family's not. I remember being like you once. At any chance I got, I would bash on religion. That was when I was in the sixth grade. As I matured, I learned to be more accepting and tolerant.
        Grow the fuck up; your family could be MUCH worse.

        Knight Nigel Wellington XXI

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        • You're telling me to grow the fuck up for exposing lies where lies are? Grow the fuck up? Really? Christianity is the most intolerant religion still alive, next to Islam, and I'm supposed to tolerate people believing that horse shit? I call bullshit, knights didn't even go to grade schools.

          Just the kind of responses I'd expect to get from a site overrun by cousin-fuckers and dog worshippers.

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          • KnightNigelWellingtonXXI

            "Exposing lies where lies are."
            Can you prove the stories in the Bible are lies? Can you prove anything in it is false?

            Yes. Please grow up.
            You bash their intolerance while being intolerant yourself. That is an example of hypocrisy. Have you ever even been a victim of religious intolerance? Or are you just basing your opinions on stuff that other people say on the Internet that you thought was "cool"?

            Yes. Please tolerate them. Please read why above.

            Obviously, I am having a bit of fun on a website with my knight identity, but ignorant people like you take the joy out of it.

            This site is FAR from filled with "cousin-fuckers and dog worshippers." Just because most of us respect the right to be religious doesn't mean we "hate fags" or think "abortion is killing" or other shit like that.
            Like the VERY wise Parrish said above, "Educate yourself, you sound simple minded."

            Knight Nigel Wellington XXI

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            • anti-hero

              'Just because most of us respect the right to be religious doesn't mean we "hate fags" or think "abortion is killing" or other shit like that.'

              Gets you thumbed up by me.

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          • anti-hero

            You kind of gave up your secret identity with that comment, don't you think?

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    • blacksock

      i think he can live without be entirely focused on his sister's cancer

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      • KnightNigelWellingtonXXI

        Can he live without being focused on his family's prayer?

        Knight Nigel Wellington XXI

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        • blacksock

          i think so; i doubt hes focused on his family's prayer

          it's not because he makes a thread about it on this website that it means he only thinks about that

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  • oysterbay

    You have all had stress, maybe don't fight right now

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  • Short4Words

    Even as a person of faith I understand your issue. I think people should be shown appreciation for there kindness but I believe in giving thanks to God too. Did you try bringing this up to them politely and give them a fair chance?

    I'm just want to make sure. Did you flatout say they were wrong for thanking God?

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    • Yes. I told them it was illogical and they told me I was being insensitive. I guess logic is insensitive.

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      • KnightNigelWellingtonXXI

        Live and let live. They thanked God, big fucking deal. You don't believe in God, big fucking deal.

        Knight Nigel Wellington XXI

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    • suckonthis9

      Ash Shakur?

      Ash Shakur is translated into "The Appreciative". In his book, "Al-Maqsad Al-Asna fi Sharah Asma' Allahu al-Husna" (aka The best means in explaining Allah's Beautiful Names), Imam Al Ghazali translates Ash Shakur as "The One Who Expresses Thankfulness by rewarding bounteously". He goes on to say that Ash Shakur is "the One Who rewards trivial pious deeds with many grades, and the one who gives unlimited happiness in the life to come for activity during a limited period (in this life). The one who rewards the good deed with multiples of it is said to be thankful for that good deed, and the one who praises the performer of this good deed is also said to be thankful for it. If you consider multiple rewards (to be the criterion in this matter), then there can be no absolute Ash Shakur except God Most High, because His increase of the reward is not restricted and limited since the blessings of Paradise are infinite."

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  • millefeuille

    Just let them be. You are an atheist, so what? Mind your own shit. I hate people who shove their beliefs into people's throats, you believe in science- fine, your family is religiously demented, that's fine too. I'm sure you have your sister's health to worry about than who the hell your family is exalting their praises to.

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  • robbieforgotpw

    I play by His rules and am thankful for His mercy towards me.

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  • jayMe11

    Religion is an excuse for people with weak thoughts, they "need" something to believe in, a reason for everything. It is what it is.

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    • suckonthis9


      I once thought much like you, however I have since learned that I also was incorrect.
      There is actually some truth in what they believe in.

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  • zoffix

    The Flying Spaghetti Monster is watching your vile posts, heathen! Repent and you too shall be touched by the Noodly Appendage!

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  • sega31098

    According to Christianity, God created the doctors and the insurance companies.

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  • Ekho

    Two topics I stay away from; religion and politics.

    Having said that I can't stand overtly religious people, but I do tolerate and understand why people embrace religion. Of course, if anyone tries to bible bash me I will tell them to frack off.

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  • jayMe11

    My mom had cancer and died. Do I blame "god"? Fuck no. Things happen for a reason, at the time we may not understand why, but one day we will.

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    • suckonthis9


      Momus or Momos (μῶμος) was in Greek mythology the personification of satire, mockery, censure; a god of writers and poets; a spirit of evil-spirited blame and unfair criticism. His name is related to μομφή, meaning 'blame' or 'censure'. He is depicted in classical art as lifting a mask from his face.

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      • MissyLeyneous

        "Armed with Wikipedia I will TROLL THE WORLD!!!"

        Quoted - Suckonthis9

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  • Terence_the_viking

    Good for you.

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  • dandan1960

    It is normal to be annoyed about things you do not understand or believe being forced on you. However, you should respect other people and their faith. Especially your parents who only want what is best for you. It is their duty to do all they can for you based on what they have been taught. Why would you want to destroy other people's source of strength?

    God is great and in control of all situations in spite of our individual free will. If the doctor who saved your sister wasn't available or unwilling to do what was needed, you best believe God would have found a doctor who was. If it is in God's plan it will happen. That's why your parents pray to God and not doctors, insurance companies, etc.

    I hope that someday that you will have faith that God will be there for you for eternity unlike the things we rely on in this life.

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