Is it normal that i am embarrassed to be rich?

So I would classify myself as somewhere amongst the top 10%. My dad owns his own small real estate company and did make at times 200k a year, before 2008. Right now he makes somewhere in the mid 100k. I don't exactly have the best relationship with him just because I hate how much of a snob he is with his money and he is incredibly arrogant which is probably why he is successful. My mom on the other hand has a heart of gold however also loves being rich. I on the other hand, hate to flaunt my wealth. I don't dress flashy and I work on the weekends at a farm near by thanks to my college being in the middle of nowhere (btw I'm paying 100% for college). Back in high school I would only have my closest friends over just because I felt like if I brought people over, they would be friends with me only for my money. And the one time I did bring a few close friends for a L.A.N party, I felt like I was being stabbed in the heart every time they said something along the lines of "Holy crap you are rich"

So is it normal that I hate being rich or am I just shooting myself for not using the economic resource to my advantage?

Voting Results
70% Normal
Based on 81 votes (57 yes)
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Comments ( 13 )
  • pieman_69

    can i have the money

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  • OswaldCobblepot

    Pay more taxes.

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  • belladonna

    You don't have to embrace being rich, but there's no reason to be embarrassed of it. Just always remember to be thankful and give back.

    And don't be afraid to take advantage of the opportunities you get because of it--you can bet the rest of the world is doing the same thing.

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  • dappled

    Don't worry about it. I have nightmares about being homeless (partially because I was once homeless) but life is what it is. We all have a different experience. I don't expect an easy ride and I don't always get one. But I expect people with money don't get an easy ride either. We all have our problems. You're in your boat and I'm in mine. I don't want you to feel embarrassed. I'm doing okay. There are people worse off than me who are also doing okay. Enjoy what you have. You might as well. There is no point having it and not enjoying it. Be happy!

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  • ygrowup

    Yes it is normal, but it is so much less of a embarrassment than being poor! Make the best of it, money does not determine your worth to others, especially your parents money, you have yet to have much of your own!

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  • Short4Words

    It's good that you don't worship it. We need more people like you. I think it's fine. I hope you go far in whatever you do.

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  • Mando

    What on earth do you have to be ashamed of - that your dad did well? Besides the $100-200K that your dad makes, while comfortable, really isn't all that much in wealth terms.

    Anyway, there is nothing wrong with success. Unlike being poor, which while not a sin, has nothing to commend it.

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  • lyokofury

    I think its normal. You see reports on the news about those who are starving and struggling to live and you feel guilty and embarrassed that you live in luxury. I'm by no means rich and I feel that way sometimes. The best thing a person can do is be thankful for what he/she has and try to give back to those who need it.

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  • MissyLeyneous

    My response greatly depends on what you DO with your "currency". My definition of "money" is assets, things you can hold, eat, and use.

    If I had your amount of resources, I would buy back the land my husband's family was forced to sell. I would develop this land agriculturally, in a permaculture fashion. I would spread truth and health and ideas across the county, the city, the state, and beyond.

    Oh gawd the things I could do. :D

    But alas, I have no CURRENCY. DX

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  • Terence_the_viking

    Well if you don't want to be rich you could always donate to many charities.

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  • dom180

    Of course it's normal. It sets you apart from the people around you and makes them treat you differently even though you're not different, and being set apart can feel bad.

    I think it's also normal to be ashamed that you have a completely unearned advantage other people don't have. You think, in some cases correctly, that people would look down on you for having to work less hard than they do because of your financial safety net.

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  • Dot123

    Yeah, this is normal, Lulz.

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  • americanhoney

    Sounds like YOU'RE not rich - your parents are.

    At any rate, I'm quite wealthy and I'm rather proud if it. I work really hard, so, why would I be ashamed of the monetary wealth I've acquired?

    The people that should be ashamed are the ones who come over and say things like what you said above - "Holy crap you're rich" - that's tacky. What if you went to their home and said, "Holy crap you're poor."?

    However, I digress.

    No, I don't think it's normal to be ashamed.

    What a silly thing for you to find shame in.

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