Is it normal that i am made fun of a lot for being an atheist?

Well I'm 21 right now, and I've been teased since I was 8. I have actually lost friends because of it and I'm just wondering if this has hapened ro any other atheists. People have actuallu gotten physical and attacked me because of it.

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36% Normal
Based on 97 votes (35 yes)
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Comments ( 29 )
  • Just_that_guy

    Its not very christian like to make fun of people because of their an atheist and nobody cares.

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  • ChasingAfterPond<3

    That is not normal, people are douchebags. Im religious and my boyfriend, as well as my brother, is an atheist and im completely fine with it. If people are getting physical with you, they are ignorant and you should consider taking up a martial arts class for self defense. Its fine that your an atheist(:

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  • CalmDownDrinkTea

    I'm an atheist but this hasn't happened to me. Sounds like you have met the portion of religious people who are completely ignorant and are too afraid to even comprehend any other ideas but their own.
    People like that are idiots and you should stay away. I can't stand it when somebody tries to ram religion down my throat.
    Stand up to these people. They seem to enjoy telling everyone that they're going to hell and to me, THAT is evil; refusing to believe in something without substantial evidence IS NOT EVIL, it's rational.
    By the way I'm not saying this covers all religious people. I have met some who are extremely friendly and down to earth. But some are completely out of their minds (maybe not even in their beliefs, but the way they think they can treat other people who don't share the same ideals).

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    That's retarded. I got made fun of in middle school because I was an agnostic. I eventually converted to Mormonism. Fuck da masses, yo.

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  • Ono

    Noone deserves to be physically attacked because of their religious beliefs or lack of religious beliefs.
    Anyone who would do something like that isn't worth being friends with anyway. They did you a favor.

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  • karmasAbich

    That is suprising to me. It seems everyone is an Athiest these days.

    Well, sorry

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  • Avant-Garde

    No, it's not normal. Some people are douchebags and all they cause is pain in others.

    I've never really been teased on my religion, but more of misunderstandings of my sexuality and weight. I have encountered hatred against follow atheists. It hurst my feelings and I don't understand this strong hatred against it.

    I'm sorry you had to experience this. Those people don't deserve your friendship or your time.

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  • SubParPhalus

    Don't worry they will all go to hell for hurting you.

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  • YumInsanity

    Where the hell do you live, Salem? Tell those fundamentalists to practice what they preach, and jack you off while they're at it

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  • Dot123

    People need to be more open minded.

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  • blackalica is normal to be made fun of..that doesn't make it right, i'm an atheist and i'm with you brother... i've lost friends but it's worth it, i held my integrity and i'm proud of it, and you should be to!!

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  • Wow, this kind of makes me angry. Fuck those people, Im really sorry you had to deal with such ignorance.

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  • Energy

    What the fuck are you talking about?!! If they were truly religious they wouldn't do something like that. Who gives a shit about people's religion these days anyway?!

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  • Ha ha ha! You believe in a logical way of thinking, a belief, that science backs up the theory of, while we all believe some mystical being is responsible fo but have no proof of such a belief, that makes you a moron! Ha ha ha....

    Yes, I'm being sarcastic.

    It seems that you are being bullied for not believing something that has pretty much no proof to back up. People are idiots.

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    • mrcymstr

      As a side note asking for proof of a philosophical belief ( be it monotheism, polytheism, or even atheism) is silly. The very question of philosophy negates the usefulness of empirical proof because we're all working backwards from the same empirical facts we just arrive at different conclusions. contrary to popular belief we Christians accept scientific empiricism with open arms even though we reject some conclusions such as evolution and the big bang theory

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  • I have NEVER seen an Atheist made fun of lol....People who believe in god on the other hand....

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  • Emma27

    Ignorance is bliss to the point of insults for a lot of religious people. Just ignore :)

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  • lylythinksshesgay

    That's soo messd up! :'c
    I'm Athiest too <3 everyone always calls me ignorant for it though :l

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  • ShinIod

    Simply put... you live in a fucking closed-minded country... and next... if that's the case... get the fuck outta there!... finally... I don't know a country where people don't have the urge to feel a god behind them while they are on their knees... so... when you get the fuck out of there... just keep the fact that you are atheist for yourself, and maybe for a community that think!... I mean... think like you :1

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  • zhawk

    NO, it is not normal. People should not be made of for they believe in. If they are trying to force you to believe that there's a God, they are using the worst measures. I believe in God. He is in fact my lover and my best friend when I am at my lowest point and every time I am just about ready to break down and deny Him and His existence, and He would not delight over the idea of making fun of you just because you doubt if He's real. God still LOVES you no matter what you believe in, He is just waiting for a time when you are ready to believe and accept Him in your heart. And again, no, it's normal what they did to you. I myself, would not have allowed it. God bless you!

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  • mrcymstr

    Yes it's normal and it's very sad. I'm a Christian and many of those who like to claim the title of Christian do so to be morally superior therefore they look down upon others and in turn prove just how non-christian they are. Look I'll be blunt your wrong there is a God and I fear for your soul. But to tease you, insult your morality, or become physical is despicable and so far from a Christian response it isn't funny. I love you along with all my other fellow travellers on this blue marble and hope that these christian-in-name-only types haven't left a bad taste in your mouth. I'm more than happy to take jabs at the parts of atheisms philosophy I find silly but the person who holds this philosophy should never be the target of ridicule.

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  • TonybigCock

    Its pretty normal, atheists are picked on as they are perceived as stupid, lacking in enougth brain power to think outside of the box. i think atheists are dangerous in that if everyone became atheist, everyone would be become depressed and bored, which isnt good for the human race in the long term.

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  • DolphinAngel

    Not normal... facts prove: religious people are fucking retards so that should explain that!

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  • DramDaem

    I would beat them up for that.

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    Just dont tell anyone i always kept it to myself

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  • chicken471bologna

    Only in the South....

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  • Malaglinir

    I don't know where you live, but why does everyone know you're an atheist in the first place?

    The fact that everyone knows makes it seem like you are one of the types that flaunt it around. I'm an atheist too and nobody ever finds out unless the question comes up, and it really doesn't.

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    • Iced9998843

      well I don't "flaunt it around", but I'm not secretive about it, well I am now, but I used to just say it when my friends and I were talking about it.

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      • FangX38

        Then those guys are douchebags. I'm an atheist too, but it has never ended friendships.

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