Is it normal that i am obbsesed with wolves?
I love wolves so much I will faint if I touch one. Anyway is it normal i love wolves?
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I love wolves so much I will faint if I touch one. Anyway is it normal i love wolves?
Wolves are the most majestic and beautiful animals in the world so, yes, it is normal :3
i accutatly hav wolf dna a harvard gradute said when they tested me no joke |)
Omg...... I love wolfs more then anything to, hmmmm thought I was the only one, glad Iam not(:
It's normal. I feel the same about foxes. I LOVE foxes I have a weir obsession I want one as a pet and I freak out if I even see a picture of them I just love them and they are soooo cute !! And beautiful!! Wolves are too!
KassemG on youtube loves wolves. In almost all of his videos, he's wearing a wolf shirt.
I have a wolf hanging in my living room that you can touch. Killed it last year in Montana.
I am still unsure if it is normal and I asked the question myself as I have the same obsession with dolphins^^
I personally hate animals but I do know people who love them. I think it's weird and dangerous to boot. Hope you don't end up getting ripped to shreds.. Good luck