Is it normal that i am paranoid?

There was one instant where I felt like I couldn't leave my own house because I thought that people were going to attack me. Back in 2007, I was wanting to meet someone at the mall for a 'date'. I was 15. My grandmother dropped me off alone. Not knowing what to do, I decided to walk around for the 15 minute countdown of what seemed an eternity until the boy I was waiting to meet arrived. Not even 10 minutes in and right in the middle of the food court I felt like every living existence was staring at me examining my every move. My whole body was shaking. I felt like all of them were plotting to kill me. As I am walking to sears, my pace picks up from slow to faster than the speed of light. I found myself hiding behind the racks of clothing in the boys section and quickly race into the dressing room. This whole time though was torture & I couldn't stop crying.... My date ended up having to physically pull me out of the dressing room. Finally we both agreed to take the date back to my house. is it normal to feel like people are plotting shit behind your back????

Voting Results
43% Normal
Based on 30 votes (13 yes)
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Comments ( 17 )
  • SangoNyappy

    Write a book I like the way you write

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  • i wouldn't say they are plotting but more like they need to look the other way because its not polite to stare

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  • Terence_the_viking

    Are you an android?

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  • kaki

    normal you are 100% normal i feel like most of time

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  • EnglishSpirit

    In my opinion, it sounds very much like you have trust issues. Whether those are justified from past experiences with family members or just random people, only you know. But from what you've told us you need to see a doctor really. Your actions and thoughts about those around you aren't what's considered "normal". Does your mood swing from sad to happy a lot by any chance?

    It's not right for any of us here to try and put a label on what's wrong, only trained professionals should do such. Please see a doctor.

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    • mulanmalice

      My moods switch all the time. It is really hard to control. The scary thing is, that it only happens to people that I gain trust with. I get frustrated to the point that I lash out with muscles tense up, the back of my throat feels scratchy, almost like I have been screaming for hours, and this all happens within seconds. I know that this is not normal. I have been going to therapy since I was 14 years old. I know that I need to see a doctor, but I don't feel comfortable around them. My doctor prescribed me to seven different medications and I hated him because none of them helped and each time I went he would prescribe me more. So I don't trust people and I have a lot of reasons to stop seeing my doctor.

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      • do you trust me:(

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        • mulanmalice

          yes :) I do

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          • you so nice to me:)

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  • disthing

    Everybody can let their thoughts run away with them now and then; we can all be a little paranoid.

    However what you're describing sounds more severe than normal, and much more like what somebody with psychosis might experience. Paranoid delusions can be very destructive and stressful, so I'd say if these feelings persist, you seek some form of therapy.

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  • I get like this every once in awhile. Not to the extent of hiding but it takes on more of a large interconnected plot that only makes sense to me.

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  • Amniote

    If this happens often, I think you should see a mental health professional. There is actually a disorder called delusional disorder - persecutory type that sounds EXACTLY like what you just described. And the thing about DD is that the delusions are the only symptom, and the people who have it are completely normal in every other way.

    Best of luck!

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    • mulanmalice

      Well this was back in 2007. I still have issues going out in public, but it is not as severe. Still having thoughts of people plotting stuff against me, but I don't cry over it. precautions though lol

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  • KnightNigelWellingtonXXI

    I'm kind of paranoid too because I have a "healthy" and active imagination.

    knight Nigel Wellington XXO

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    • EndlessSuffering

      Haha. :)

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      • KnightNigelWellingtonXXI

        WHAT THE FART?!?!??!!?
        Thank you for fixing my incorrect spelling. How I made a mistake is incomprehensible to me, but thank you all the same. I must have been sleeping when I wrote that.

        Knight Nigel Wellington XXI

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  • CompletelyOverThought

    I think it's normal to believe that there are suspicious people around you, but I do not believe it is okay for your health to be so concerned that it affects you so negatively.

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