Is it normal that i am repulsed by cotton balls?
Is it normal that I am completely disgusted, repulsed and grossed out by cotton? I'm almost afraid to touch or use it, and only do so if necessary. Now, I am not talking about cotton t-shirts or clothing. I mean cotton balls, cotton pads or cotton swabs that you use for hygiene and beauty purposes. I'm not sure when it started but for some reason the texture and feeling of touching cotton gives me goosebumps. It honestly makes me want to gag or vomit. Some people think it feels soft but to me it is so fibery and hairy it grosses me out. When I take off nail polish or use makeup remover I have to completely saturate the cotton ball or cotton pad so I can't feel the actual cotton fibers. The other thing that gets me is the noise it makes when you rub cotton on your nails or a smooth surface. It's like nails on a chalkboard. I hate having cotton in my mouth when I have had dental work done, and just thinking about it makes me anxious. I have goosebumps typing this now. Is it normal? Please tell me someone else has this problem.