Is it normal that i am scared of air vents?

I have had this fear ever since I was a lil kid, like 6 years matter, clean or not ....any type of vent has scared me......if I have a hood on I covor up my head.....just weird but I still go along with it....opinions....advice? If you want to know more just ask. Kk

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33% Normal
Based on 40 votes (13 yes)
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Comments ( 7 )
  • Aub

    They can be kind of creepy.

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  • pinkbug

    Clean em more often maybe? (U may already do this). I know germs can get in there and bacteria but as long as it is cleaned now and then there shouldn't be a problem. If u do clean it now and then it may be a lil bit of ocd like where ppl wash their hands often type of thing. I personally dont recommend taking medcine 4 that (it can really mess u up even after u've come off of it sometimes) but maybe just talkin aboyut w/some1 maybe even a therapist.

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  • JustRandomStranger

    Yes of course! They are home to many fucking nasty things

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  • familyman121

    Lol should try calling up the white house and giving them a scare, what with the recent security shit and all the weird happenings....and yes to all the rest of you thats prolly where it came from.....altho, it seems like whenever i look at them, im not just really freaked kinda seems like stemmed from a fear of really evil vents are a source of evil..and spider too...cant forget the creepy crawly spiders XD...other than that i got no prob with em.

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  • vb5piz3r

    You should be more worried about the cameras in them.

    I kid. Hahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

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  • NotStrangeBird

    You should. Ever seen the kind of crap that builds up in those things?

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  • gummy_jr

    One time a wasp built a nest in an air vent at school and soon there was a whole colony of them

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