Is it normal that i am scared of being left behind and alone?

Ever since I remember I was scared of being alone, lonely and forgotten. In elementary school I was really social an had a lot of friends, but when I moved to new town and all left all of my friends behind, and started feeling lonely and insecure.
Then in new elementary school i found new best friend and everything was great until she became friends with other girl in our class. Whenever she was with us I felt like she wanted my best friend just for herself. Being quiet and shy as I am, I stood silent and watched them becoming closer and closer day by day. Me and my best friend promised to each other that we are going to be best friends even after middle school finishes. When we started going to high school and days and months passed by, she started moving in different circles, having new friends and we eventually stopped seeing each other. She and the girl from before became best friends and she forgot about me. I was left behind once again.
Now, in high school, I have few friends but I don't have the courage to become too close to someone again, because i fear of ending up alone again...

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89% Normal
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Comments ( 5 )
  • indeloop

    if you don't reach out, you'll always be alone.

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  • thegypsysailor

    I just don't understand why all you children in school think the whole world revolves about how good or bad your social lives are. You are in school to get an education, not make friends with a bunch of equally screwed up kids who you will most likely never see again after graduation.
    Put your energy into your education and stop fretting about what will, for most of you, be the worst time of your lives.

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  • AbZi

    That's so sad!! A similar thing happened to me: a girl in my class (she is still my best friend) always used to play with me in junior school until another girl took her away from me and played with her as a best friend. When I was in the class before this other girl used to bully me. The bully made best friends but my REAL best friend hated it. She came back to me and made the bully go away. My bff is the Best - always loyal ;)
    Don't worry, your problem doesn't happen that much. Try being friends with someone you know who would never leave you. Loyal and nice. Maybe someone who likes the same things as you.
    Good luck in finding a good friend :)

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  • EccentricWeird

    That was a horrible TV show.

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  • FireFlower

    If you're shy and quiet, you WILL be alone. I have experienced this first hand and still trying to recover from my shyness.

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