Is it normal that i am scared of dogs???
I am extremely scared of dogs. I have nightmares about them chasing me and sometimes biting my legs off. Is this normal???
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I am extremely scared of dogs. I have nightmares about them chasing me and sometimes biting my legs off. Is this normal???
It's probably like my fear of moths - Completely irrational.
Dogs are great
I was gonna say that its normal to be afraid of them considering they DO posses the tools necessary to kill us if need be, not to mention they can be unpredictable.
However the fact that you have nightmares about them is quite odd. But nightmares don't really tell your fears that solidly, I'm sure dogs could be replaced by any number of things in your nightmares.
Scary dreams are scary, regardless of what is in them.
I'm actually a bit surprised that I'm not more afraid of dogs. I had a chow bite my face (yes, pretty much the whole thing) when I was 3 or 4. There was also a dog that would my buttocks & backs of my legs, which would cause me to run from it, which would cause the dog to freak out and bite me, which would… oh, you get the idea. I believe this was around the same time and that the dog belonged to some manner of extended family member. I'm not quite sure; my memories from that period of my life are a bit hazy.
I think you're normal, some people just don't trust them.
I love dogs, but I do have a healthy respect/fear of large dogs. Yesterday, in my part of town, a woman was attacked (unprovoked) by a large dog as she came out of a restaurant with her husband. The dog bit so hard on her that it broke her arm. That was the dog's second reported attack and, sadly, it will be destroyed now. :*(
It's not really the dogs fault. It's the fault of the human owners that don't know how to properly condition and train their potentially aggressive pets.
Your Over-Reacting! :D I have a Doggie named Willow omg i can go on about her for Dayyyyss. Shes a black lab ;]]. She was abused as a puppy by previous owners. But shes still my lil' angel ;]]]]
Wake up. Dogs are fantastic. Its not likely that one will actually bite your legs off. Stop it.