Is it normal that i am scared of how well i lie?

I am definitely not a compulsive liar. I hate lying and I value honesty and sincerity a lot. However, when I am in a situation in which I just need to tell a lie, I am so good at it that I am actually scared of myself.

What makes me feel particularly guilty is the fact that I appear to be an innocent and awkward person to everyone. I am the kind of guy that everyone deems incapable of lying. I usually have really exaggerated reactions and my body language is too obvious. However, I can act so well as well, that people don't notice at all whether I am saying something truthful or not.

I just wanted to said that I was born with a demonic skill. So, is it normal that I find it so unsettling?

Voting Results
73% Normal
Based on 48 votes (35 yes)
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Comments ( 12 )
  • Tommythecat.

    That's odd because I've always thought of innocent awkward people as untrustworthy and flakey.

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  • Hugh*Janus

    Really? My ability to recognize bullshit yet not let on is pretty amazing. I wonder if there is some sort of coincidence here.

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  • ViolenceAgainstTheState

    Perhaps it's not demonic and people are more aware of your lies than you realise.

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    • Maybe... I hope so. But so far, nothing tells me that people don't believe me. The guilt comes because I notice that people trust a lot in me.

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      • ViolenceAgainstTheState

        I'm aware of the irony inherent in this statement but people don't always reveal their true feelings.

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  • handsignals

    I don't believe you.

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  • thegypsysailor

    It may be a bit late now, but perhaps your parents should have spent the big bucks for an exorcism, when you were young.
    If you notice the comments above, perhaps you only THINK you are good at lying.
    Self delusion is a form of lying, though, so maybe you are good at that.

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  • Blue_Velvet

    I was surprised when i told someone the truth about something and they didn't react at all. They see me as a honest person. Well mostly i'm honest.

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  • Honestly, it's not that hard. I am somewhat the same, keep up innocent personas with lie after lie.

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  • Teh4HorsMen


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  • MyHiddenDemon

    You sound a little like me.

    Ever play poker? Try it out ;)

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  • myownopinions

    Maybe it's not you, but the people you interact with. I'm someone who tends to give people the benefit of the doubt. At least, even if I do think they're lying, I wouldn't generally admit it to them because it would be really awkward if I were wrong.

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