Is it normal that i am scared of maps?

Whenever I see a map I get panic attacks.. I dont know what to do about it..Google maps freaks me out..I cant stare at a map for too long, my heart starts beating very fast.. But not just any map. Im talking about maps that show the whole world. When I take a look at the distance between europe and america (the atlantic ocean) i start shaking....

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10% Normal
Based on 71 votes (7 yes)
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Comments ( 9 )
  • thegypsysailor

    Maps are extremely dangerous; you should be very afraid of them! Maps can give you paper cuts, and we all know how deadly they are. Maps can also lead to wanderlust, that urge to give everything away except what you can carry in a backpack, and set out on adventures, just ask Bilbo Baggins. Never, never look at a map; they can destroy your life.

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  • Crusades

    Could have something to do with you being afraid of open spaces. You see the whole world in your field of view on a map which contributes to your mind imagining the overwhelming vastness of this world, huge open spaces that make you feel small and irrelevant. Like an ant in a world of giants. It creates pressure on a subconscious level.

    Look up - agoraphobia -

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    • margauxrobles

      I believe "agoraphobia" means fear of having a panic attack in open spaces (where there is no escape route). It's related to anxiety disorder.

      Fear of open space for its own sake could be a legit phobia, though. It's like reverse claustrophobia.

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    • green_boogers

      I agree with Crusades insightful comment. Perhaps maps remind you of being lost

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  • MasterOfWaffles

    *Throws a map at OP*

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  • gashlover

    it might be linked to a past life where you had a traumatic death somehow relating to maps.

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    • margauxrobles

      I was just thinking that. It's an honest-to-goodness cause for some unexplainable, super-specific fears.

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  • handsignals

    I love maps...I collect them...mostly the tourist ones you get when you go places


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  • oitsthatguy

    Don't worry... homework when I was in college made me feel the same way...

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