Is it normal that i am scared of the dark and stuff
Im still scared of the dark and when i watch films with violence or supernatural stuff i can't sleep because i think there will be a witch in my room or something. Im 15 female
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Im still scared of the dark and when i watch films with violence or supernatural stuff i can't sleep because i think there will be a witch in my room or something. Im 15 female
You should be afraid of all the ghosts and pedo bears hiding in the shadows.
I'm almost the opposite, I love to go walking at night.
One of my favourite things is to walk an empty street in the early morning hours, I love the atmosphere and stillness.
I am 23 female and I still run back into my room when I go to the bathroom at night
I'm more afraid of the harm that these creatures could instill upon me, not so much the creatures themselves. I've been there too (about 3 years ago). Not only did I lock all the doors and windows, but I also covered the crevices between the blinds with a blanket. Thankfully this only lasted for 2 weeks; I actually don't know how I got rid of this phobia. If you think they're there, then go ahead and believe that. At the end of the day, it's all in your head.
Perhaps this is a case of scopophobia. Something besides the movies had to trigger this irrational fear, perhaps it happened during your childhood. I will say it's ironic that violence/supernatural movies fabricated this fear into your thoughts, instead watch some disturbing/horror films and then you won't be able to sleep.
A witch? Oh man, I'd be ecstatic to see Blair the Cat or Medusa the Witch in my room. :D
its normal, ive just gotten to the point where im just like fuck it. if your gonna kill me then do it man
Yes I am afraid of the dark as well. It just freaks me out not being able to see anything. I don't get it, really.
''I'm scared of the dark''
Said the white man at 11 pm in a predominately black neighborhood
Usually people grow out of such things.
I mean, once you are old enough to know of the REAL dangers in the world (assaults, rapes, muggings, stabbings, car accidents, disease, corruption, war) you usually lay that supernatural stuff to rest.
Aint no witch in that there darkness... That's a man with a knife and a taste for blood who picked your lock and crept up the stairs to where you're sleeping.
I think my basement is haunted... The light switch is at the bottom of the stairs... So when I turn off the lights I run like hell to the top /:
I am more scared in daylight than in dark.
Try to think like this.
In dark "monsters" can't see you, but you might see them and then rape their asses.
I am too, to a certain extent. It's my imagination, my mind plays cruel tricks on me in the dark.
Some people are.
I move scared of the general public and their stupidity.