Is it normal that i am scared of under my bed
If you guys have seen Harry Potter before there is a goblin named Dobbie and he stares at you while you sleep. I am scared that if I look under my bed that he is going to murder me and it is so scary!
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If you guys have seen Harry Potter before there is a goblin named Dobbie and he stares at you while you sleep. I am scared that if I look under my bed that he is going to murder me and it is so scary!
I'm not afraid of goblins or elves. But I do think the dust bunnies under there have teeth.
All of you people making fun of OP should be ashamed of yourselves! I bet everyone of you happens to have an irrational fear as it's human nature to fear. Mine is spiders and ants, of course. Some people are scared of the dark. Some people are afraid of heights. OP's fear is just way less common, so you all feel entitled to pick on him/her.
Because it's totally mature to pick on someone for thinking different, right? Why don't you all take your own advice and grow the fuck up.
Rage ending.
But Dobby is cute! He wouldn't do anything bad and he isn't even free unless you give him sock or something.
I think it's normal theirs a dark hallway in my room I ate staring at it!
Out of all the things in the world to be afraid of, you chose a house elf from Harry Potter?
i think its normal, i get scared at night too still all alone and in the dark lol, i always ty to tell myself theres nothing to be afraid of but my heart will be pounding regardless xD