Is it normal that i am scared to advance my skateboarding career?

Before I begin, if This is not a topic you're familiar with look up Jerry Hsu on YouTube and then come back to this but my question is is it normal to be afraid to grind hand rails and do tricks over stair sets? I know I must to become a professional skateboarder and by all means I intend to fight this fear. But what do you think, IIN?

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93% Normal
Based on 41 votes (38 yes)
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Comments ( 9 )
  • howaminotmyself

    I think it's normal enough, skateboarding has a high risk for injury, even for non professionals. I am not familiar with the pros, but I have a few friends who really enjoy the activity. From what I understand, they can help you find the courage to try new stunts. Just make sure you have health insurance and don't be afraid to wear a helmet. The sport can make you retarded if you aren't careful.

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  • MilleBornes

    I believe you can do it and hope you will

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  • cooper43


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  • Xx_slendy_Kitty_xX

    It Is. Ur Fine :3

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  • succatash

    If you think skateboarding is dangerous then you haven't seen parkour...if you fall off a 60 foot building you die no questions

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  • Darkoil

    The biggest stair set I ever ollied was a nine set which seemed massive and I hurt myself a lot before I managed to do it properly.

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  • MilleBornes

    Yes, as with anything, practice is key. It'll make boarding more natural. as walking. I'm not a boarder, but you're only afraid when there's no confidence. As darthrule stated, start on the smaller somewhat easier things, and move up. In Cali I saw boarders on their boards ALL the time! Like ALL THE TIME. as if it was just part of them. No where else in this world have I seen that before or since. I chalked it up to the Cali culture but it also seems that it makes them more comfortable with it. I'm comfortable with my own body so I'm not afraid to actually jump of the rails and run down when I want to be funny. Once you make the board part of yourself I feel that you would get the same confidence and more.

    You MUST get past fear that stops you. You will always be nervous but if you can't get past it, then you can't focus on the task at hand. Not good for that profession, I assume

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  • You can't go for handrails until you've mastered ledges and benches

    Practice your grinds and get your technique down. You will then be able to apply that confidence to bigger obstacles like handrails.

    Trust me I know

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  • Terence_the_viking

    If you are scared to do these things are you sure skateboarding is for you?

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