Is it normal that i am scared to make appointments

I have a phobia of making appointments. I'm terrified that the person on the other end will think I'm an idiot--any appointment at all: hair, nails, dental, doctor's appointment, plumber, car repair...anything. These people are presumably experts at what they do and I'm afraid they'll be patronizing and condescending about the fact that I don't know their lingo or even how to begin asking them my question. Most of the time I just actually never end up making the appointment

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67% Normal
Based on 117 votes (78 yes)
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Comments ( 18 )
  • suckonthis9

    I had an appointment with a person who describes themself as 'special'; they have conveniently attached an -ist to this (presumably to make themself feel more 'special').
    This person had stated that they were going to help me. I have no ways or means (other than to walk) to their office, which is 17.4 miles (28 km) away. I had already told this to this person, but apparently they did not hear one word that I said, and they made this appointment anyway. I left a message on their voicemail machine, and I had asked for them to return my call, but so far, no help, nothing, not even a telephone call.
    I'm so very glad that this person is 'special', and I'm not.

    The system is broken!

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    • robbieforgotpw

      Didn't you know you've got to do their job plus your own?
      See that person is a great candidate for govt work...seems like they'd be ready for a promotion too.
      *power soils his pants**

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      • suckonthis9

        How did you know that, 'that person' works for the government?

        I get the impression that you still see "The Government" as something apart from yourself?

        We are, "the government". Of the people, by the people, and for the people.
        Only you, can make it happen!

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        • robbieforgotpw

          Well govt is supposed to represent us, but it seems they serve their own interests most of the time. They'll throw us a bone and act concerned about us at election time...
          They love the gravy train that's why there should be term limits. There shouldn't be career politicians.
          The power corrupts, someone famous said absolute power corrupts absolutely... Who said it?

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          • suckonthis9

            Can you not spell 'government'?

            John Dalberg-Acton, 1st Baron Acton, usually referred to as Lord Acton, had stated, "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." This is usually used out of context, but rings true in many situations.


            Look under: Career > Religion and Writings.

            Instead of bitching and complaining about 'them', why don't you do something about it?

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            • robbieforgotpw

              The best thing for citizens to do is not allow our guns to be taken. The tyranny has accelerated, but I will be fine. God takes care of my family. Things happening in the world now are biblical and there is still time but not that much. Are you ready to meet your Maker?

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  • I have trust issues since I have been disappointed by professionals frequently

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  • Ldizzy1234

    I have this problem. I practically rehearse what I'm about to say, before I make the call to say it.

    I also hate when they direct you to another line. I find it very annoying when you're sitting there waiting for like 8 minutes before someone finally comes on.

    I get a little anxiety doing it, but I usually have to suck it up and do it anyway.

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  • If feel like that sometimes too. Although, it's not really a 'scared' feeling, just avoidance of an uncomfortable social interaction with some stuck up cunt on the other end of the phone. I definitely procrastinate about it for a while, but I eventually do it.

    My least favourite is the beauty salon. They are always so snobby about making appointments, especially if you have a question. Next would be talking to the medical receptionist at the doctor's office, most of them are grumpy cows.

    At least the time spent talking to them is short-lived, so don't let it interfere with your need to make an appointment. Just get it over with, like ripping off a bandage with really sticky adhesive.

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  • anti-hero

    Most of the people taking the appointments are idiots, no worries.

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  • Qwertyabc

    It's not weird at all!

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  • maddoggie

    i feel this way about ANY phone call besides to family...i usually just act like im tlkin to a friend, like i ramble and give a long un needed explanation lol

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  • raeraes

    I used to hate maing appointments. I had my mother making most of my appointments until just a couple years ago (I'm 25). Just take a deap breath before the call and realize that they're barely paying attention to you anyways. They just want to enter the info and hang up. So take a breath, pick up the phone and do it. I'm making multiple appointments every week now, and It doesn't even phase me anymore. Good luck, you can get over this. :)

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