Is it normal that i am shocked and disappointed over this?

I made friends with some guy online about 3 years ago and most recently I find out he was arrested and went to jail for doing one of the forbidden topics ( which I won't explain here ).

At first when I made friends with him 3 years ago I thought he was very friendly and funny however I wasn't aware of his allegations made against him until it was proven true about him.

I'm just shocked and disappointed over him doing it however at the same time I don't feel bad for him going to jail.

I feel like I deserve better friends online, but I was too naive to notice this about him.

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Comments ( 11 )
  • olderdude-xx

    Online relationships often are used to mask a person's real beliefs and actions. They are nothing more than "shadow" relationships.

    In real relationships you spend considerable time with the other person (in person) and get to know them a whole lot better. Even then, they can disappoint you because of things they hide from you or do unexpectedly.

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  • RoseIsabella

    I certainly wouldn't feel bad for him either, and I sincerely hope you find some cool, and safe friends.

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    • it feels harder to trust anyone ln the internet to be friends with because of this

      sometimes people aren't who they say they are and then they do stupid shit

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      • RoseIsabella

        I know, it's hard to meet nice people.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    It's normal to feel disappointed. I've had friends that managed to make it to the sex offenders list for commiting the banned topics as well. I cut contact and pretended I never knew them. In my ghetto hometown when a person does that shit people will give them hell, their family hell, their friends hell, etc. Just about anyone that associates with them is getting harassed even when they had nothing to do with those disgusting acts.

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    • just about anywhere especially anywhere in the world sex offenders are given hell in some extents some if not most of them get beaten up by other inmates in jail.

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      • Cuntsiclestick

        Good. They really don't need kindness after performing disgusting acts. XD

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    • Tinybird

      That's because most people are extremists

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      • Cuntsiclestick

        I used to think most people were extremists but then I stepped out of my ghetto hometown and noticed other towns had nicer people. I hate that town. If I had a choice I'd never go back. XD

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Google "spiderman window washer" he used to go to this skatepark I went to growing up. I knew him. He always seemed like a normal guy that would never do anything illegal. Wouldnt smoke weed or anything and would act above any form of degeneracy we engaged in.

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      Looked it up. Can confirm. WTF.

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