Is it normal that i am so showoff?

Oh I just love being the "The Super Awesome Computer User XL OMG Genius Guy". I just like when I look on my friend's PC and see that he doesn't have those cool gadgets that I have, or he doesn't know that or that. I don't actually say anything, and if they say 'WOW |user's name here|! Your PC is awesome!' I just say 'oh thanks... *cough*.' I don't laugh of somebody for not knowing how to Copy-Paste using the keyboard or something, I just love when they say 'fuck, I need someones help here... hey |user's name here|! Come here and help me!.
I am not the 'technology master' or anything, but I just like when people say that I am better, I just pretend that I am shy. I don't say 'Look here! I have a Windoes 7 professional DJ edition x43 that has a hamburger making machine on the right side of the disc laser beam!' (witch I don't have :D)

I usually, on the weekends, I try to find something cool in those 2 days to showoff to the guys at work. I am a |user's profession here| you know, and work with computers sometimes. I play games too, so I tend to download/buy the Newest games and be the Awesome PC guy at my Friend Group.

As I said, I don't feel superior to them, I just am a ShoWoFF.

So, is it Normal? I like comment's too.

P.S.: I always share my tech with others, they just need to ask, or even I'll do it by my self (but only to good friends)

Voting Results
62% Normal
Based on 26 votes (16 yes)
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Comments ( 6 )
  • Good little showoff, pat pat

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  • GMAN

    show off? you just sound like a tech geek.

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    • =P I don't use PC much, I quite only use them when somebody asks me to, or at surfing the Net. But I love games :D

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  • Who_Fan4Life

    You sound like a moron.


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  • NothingxCrazy

    I'm the same way; don't like to push it in people's faces but you like the satisfaction of being totally awesome. I'm just naturally better than most people at some things and when anyone need help I'm always the first to offer my services (knowing that I'm totally bad ass and can figure it out). I don't do it thinking I'll get praise or money. I do it because I like to be awesome at stuff and make it known.

    Is it a bad thing? No. I help a lot of people. :D

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  • Shackleford96

    Well, at least you are a modest show off :)

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