Is it normal that i am so showoff?
Oh I just love being the "The Super Awesome Computer User XL OMG Genius Guy". I just like when I look on my friend's PC and see that he doesn't have those cool gadgets that I have, or he doesn't know that or that. I don't actually say anything, and if they say 'WOW |user's name here|! Your PC is awesome!' I just say 'oh thanks... *cough*.' I don't laugh of somebody for not knowing how to Copy-Paste using the keyboard or something, I just love when they say 'fuck, I need someones help here... hey |user's name here|! Come here and help me!.
I am not the 'technology master' or anything, but I just like when people say that I am better, I just pretend that I am shy. I don't say 'Look here! I have a Windoes 7 professional DJ edition x43 that has a hamburger making machine on the right side of the disc laser beam!' (witch I don't have :D)
I usually, on the weekends, I try to find something cool in those 2 days to showoff to the guys at work. I am a |user's profession here| you know, and work with computers sometimes. I play games too, so I tend to download/buy the Newest games and be the Awesome PC guy at my Friend Group.
As I said, I don't feel superior to them, I just am a ShoWoFF.
So, is it Normal? I like comment's too.
P.S.: I always share my tech with others, they just need to ask, or even I'll do it by my self (but only to good friends)