Is it normal that i am starting to despise people that smoke?

I was never interested in smoking. My parents were smokers, so I kind of always knew the risks and everything, so I wasn't stupid enough to start smoking.

I was indifferent towards the issue as I grew up... but I always became a little disappointed and sad when one of my friends started smoking. When I reached college, 70% of the people around me smoked... and now at my job, 90% of people do.

Now, I am really starting to get pretty annoyed by the whole thing. Almost everyday I return home smelling like cigarrettes. People who smoke are so disconsiderate sometimes. Now, every night that I hang out with my friends, it is guaranteed that I will inhale their smoke... it is so irritating.

I hate business meetings as well now. It is so annoying to be forced to interact with people who smell right into your face. I can't complain or say anything, or I will lose my job or at least be demoted.

I am desperate. I can't take it anymore. I hate people who smoke!!! I really have homicidal thoughts at many times... I just don't understand how people can be so stupid. I am even thinking about getting new friends, because I sincerely just hate the fact that my friends smoke.

So, has anyone gone through something similar? Or are you all smokers as well?

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73% Normal
Based on 77 votes (56 yes)
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Comments ( 14 )
  • robbieforgotpw

    I like the way smokers hang out in front of buildings near the door. You have to hold your breath while going through the crowd to the door.
    Sometimes I'll gas em with my methane as I walk by hahaha

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  • Isabella80s

    It was all 'normal' until I got to the homicidal thoughts bit!? As long as they are just purely thoughts! I get really annoyed with smokers and they should BE CONSIDERATE. I hate how some smokers expect non-smokers to accommodate them. If I'm walking along the street and get smoke blown in my face, I actually cough really loudly to try and embarrass the smoker/vaguely attempt to make them think about how inconsiderate they're being smoking in a crowded street. Smokers need to accept that nowadays, the majority don't smoke (thankfully.) I feel sorry for you if you have to end up smelling of smoke yourself. : /

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  • Dot123

    Smoking cigs is just awful. But if you have to smoke try to vapor instead.

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  • ScooterNyne

    Smoking is of course bad for you but people aren't stupid for doing it. Most everyone knows that smoking isn't healthy but do it anyways because they like it for their own reasons. There are plenty of things that people do everyday that puts their body at risk but they do it anyways as well. Drinking, eating until your 400 pounds and can't walk, Adrenaline junkies who end up killing themselves doing stunts. We all do things that we enjoy regardless of what it does to us because our lives are finite.

    As far as peoples manners go I would agree that nobody really gives a fuck if someone smells their smoke. But people in general don't care about other strangers. Do you have a passionate fixated hate for people who drive below the speed limit when your in a hurry or cough and sneeze in public? You can't expect smokers to be polite because you can't expect anyone at all to be polite.

    If you're going to abandon your friends just because of a bad habit then do it. you don't deserve them in the first place.

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    • Well, sorry, but I disagree. Most people start smoking while they are still too young to have common sense. Starting to smoke is a kind of stupidity that surpasses conventional intelligence. Actually, many smart and pretentious people start smoking because they believe it makes them look sophisticated and intellectual. So... you think getting lung cancer just for "style" is an intelligent choice?

      I guess the main problem is that everyone believe that they will be able to quit. Seriously, haven't any smoker ever told you how much they would love to quit? 99% of the ones I know claim that, including my very own parents.

      And well, it is true that people have many self-destructive habits, but at least all the other things that you mention are actually memorable and truly enjoyable. I don't think anyone would ever write an autobiography and claim that smoking made their lives more exciting.

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      • ScooterNyne

        Most people DON'T smoke because they think it's "cool". Any smoker will tell you that. People smoke because they want the "buzz". Humans have the curiosity and desire to try things that will relax them or alter their state of mind. It doesn't make them stupid and certainly does not suggest a lack of intelligence. There are rocket scientists that smoke. They certainly are not stupid people.

        People always do things that they regret. People regret eating too much. People regret getting tattoo's. People regret drinking. And people certainly regret smoking just like anything else. I'm sure you have done things that you regret but I certainly wouldn't call you a complete idiot for doing so.

        Each person has the right to do what they wish to their body. It sounds to me like you have a general lack of respect for that concept.

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  • kingofcarrotflowers

    I'm a smoker. But i always bring spray and chewing gum in my bag to collage because like you say others shouldn't have to smell my fags. Would you still dislike me for smoking? Plus sure, smoking is dangerous but you don't have to be stupid to start smoking, i started smoking at 19, i was mature enough to know what I was doing, also you said that you wasn't stupid enough to smoke but do you drink? because despite occasionally drinking myself I find it to be somewhat self destructive or is it just smoking you find stupid. Like i said, i always try to make sure I don't stink of smoke but many if not every other smoker i know doesn't bother, now if i didn't smoke that would really piss me off but having homicidal thought over it is not normal

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    • I don't drink either, but I actually believe that it at least makes more sense that smoking. People who drink at least have fun while they do it. People who smoke are miserable, cigarettes don't produce the same kind of pleasure. In fact, most smokers feel like shit eventually, but they just can't quit.

      Alcohol might be dangerous, but smoking kills much more people. The main cause of death in the world are cardiorespiratory diseases, and cigarettes make you more vulnerable precisely in that area.

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  • MysteriousChick92

    I'm a smoker, but I always try do smoke when there aren't other people around. Someone who doesn't smoke shouldn't have to have smoke blown in their face and shit. Yes, it's our right to do what we want to our bodies, but it doesn't mean we can be inconsiderate jackasses to the people around us.

    I will say this, though. I absolutely HATE seeing people smoke around children and pregnant women who smoke. Poison your own lungs, but not children. Don't fuck up your unborn child's health because you need a cigarette.

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  • theweirdestthingsiintime

    I hate people who smoke with a passion; this is my air they're poisoning, I have as much of a right to this air as you do!

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  • NotStrangeBird

    I think you Brits spend entirely too much time with fags in your mouths.

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  • davesumba

    Good thing you didn't live in the 60s, everyone would be smoking inside while working.

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  • Karmasbitch

    I would have no problem with smoking if i didn't have to inhale it as well. The only issue I have is the second hand smoke. It's really inconsiderate of those who are addicted, to smoke in your face. I have more respect for those who smoke that do put an effort into keeping it out of my face.

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  • ucipher8

    People should try to be more considerate when they smoke. Some people do it just so they have an excuse to step away from the job etc. I personally enjoy it as it allows me to come back to work with a game plan or strategy (especially when I'm busy).

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