Is it normal that i am super scared when someone rings my door bell?

Whenever i hear the door bell i start sweating and shaking and i freeze and stare at the door and my heart is beating really fast...I'm less scared when i'm with people but when i'm alone or when i'm with like one more person i just am soo i know it sounds ridiculous but do i have a phobia of door bells and is it normal and common?

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51% Normal
Based on 118 votes (60 yes)
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Comments ( 12 )
  • dappled

    I've never liked it. Luckily I now have a video entry system. If they look a bit federal, then dappled is not at home to callers.

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  • leave an old pair of mens workboots by the front door, the biggest size you can find, when the bell rings yell out "Pete can you get that?" wait a while then in an irritated tone yell" Oh dont bother I'll get it!" as you near the door call the the ringer "who is it?" dont open the door keep the conversation going behind it. then you can get rid of them easily

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  • jaimeson123

    i like when the doorbell rings :) it makes me feel social and actually a part of life. closed up in my house for too long gives me the feeling im the only one in the world.. and its creepy

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  • howaminotmyself

    What about a knock? I always found doorbells a bit jarring. But knocks are less intrusive to me. I can usually tell who it is by the way someone knocks.

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    • I get scared of knocks too...Anyone who's at my door i'll shit my pants.

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  • Avant-Garde

    I freeze up if it's someone I don't know. Often times, I hide. I usually become scared and think that the neighbours called the police due to the noise or that it's some weird religious cult looking for sheep.

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    • I hide too! For like 10m even if the person is gone...

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  • Blather!

    Im scared because of what happened to me when I was 15.

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    • Loh

      What happened? Or is it personal?

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      • Blather!

        Don't really want to talk about it, I was robbed by ten guys. i think you know what happened next...

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        • Loh

 sorry i asked. :(

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  • Anime7

    I'm the exact same way. I'm always worried that it's the government or something, I don't know why. When I was little I actually thought that the government was after me on account that a lot of helicopters would fly by. I was always a worry wart as a kid and I guess that transferred into my late teens.

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