Is it normal that i am thoroughly disgusted by down syndrome people/ c

In the is it normal to hate babies section I am in total agreement with all that plus more! But ontop of that when I see any of those down syndrome things I want to vomit and run it over with my car. They're like " Hills have Eyes " creatures. I can't understand why anybody would keep one of those once you found out it was going to be broken for the rest of its life and yours. They ruin families. It will never grow up to be a person! I could never live with one of those in my house. There was a reason in the Jesus days that they would take the ones that were born defective and leave it on the mountain for it to go away. They are dangerous, disgusting, disturbing, and a drain on families and society. Do people keep them just so they can get that government check and not have to work? When one of them Comes around me my stomach starts to feel sick and I do my best to politely get away from it. At least disgusting babies after about 6 to 8 yrs start to get a personality and become tolerable.

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61% Normal
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Comments ( 14 )
  • sandnigga

    Thats the survival of the fittest bullshit.

    Dont be like that. Every human deserves a chance at a happy life :)

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  • NobodyKnows

    Fucking hell. It's normal to be uncomfortable, grossed out, or depressed around the mentally disabled, but you have to be a special kind of sociopath to think someone actually deserves to die just because they make you uncomfortable. As for the "destroying families" bit, that's not the disabled people themselves doing that, it's society telling the family they aren't aloud to utilize group homes or what-not.

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  • yoda10

    you will probably have a downs kid.

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  • Fenrirr

    i don't really think you should act like that, i mean i'll be honest i don't really like them either but it's not their fault they were born that way, i bet if they could decide if they could live "normal" they would take that chance.

    tbh though i feel more sorrow and pity for them having to live like that, if i become severely disabled i rather get euthanasia than continue living.

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  • Millybyh

    It's normal. If they were animals they would already be dead. If I was in a crash and ended up like that I would end my life. They are just a financial burden on us tax payers, they should've been aborted. They just sit there in their house paid for by us on their couch paid for by us, shitting themselves and drooling what kind of life is that? People these days give them whatever they want including jobs I've lost jobs to retards before because the employer felt bad or was guilted into it. I feel no empathy for these abominations. They are mistakes that's it. It sucks people don't realize that. If you have a retarded baby and wanna raise them with YOUR MONEY that's all good. But if they are going to be raised with taxpayers money and not contribute anything to society they should be exterminated.

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  • cuminmyeyes

    yes, its perfectly normal for you to think like that. they should all die violently if they grew up, they are useless fucks who is the stain of this world. we are basically doing them a favor by killing them because it ends their suffering. sorry for the late comment.

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    • Millybyh


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  • Ellenna

    I've worked with Down syndrome people and they are the most loving affectionate humans on earth and unlike toddlers, they don't grow out of it.

    You do realise that like everyone else, you're one accident/incident away from being disabled yourself, including permanent brain injury? In your case it doesn't sound as if there's much brain to injure anyway.

    If karma were true, you'd end up exposed on that mountain top to die

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  • Fluttersky

    I 100 MILLION PERCENT AGREE WITH YOU. And I hate myself for feeling that way towards people who have Down's syndrome, but I also feel this way for people who have things like slurs, speech impediments, or are dyslexic. And I feel bad that they are that way. And I feel bad about my feelings towards them. But I can't help it. I was an early everything. I potty trained myself before I was even two years old. I taught myself how to read. I taught myself 3 different languages by the time I was 6. I was in first grade and I was already learning things like order of operations in math, and I was (back then) already reading at an eighth grade level. And I understand that not everyone was "so lucky" or "special" to learn things as well or as quickly as I did. I know that. "But what's your point," you ask? Well. I'm eighteen right now. And on May 29, 2018, I was diagnosed with being on the autism spectrum. And dispite that, I can still blend in with everyone. I can still do what I'm asked. I am still able to do what I need to to take care of myself. I am more than capable. Even though some "symptoms" were present at a young age, the worst of it was not wanting to talk to people because I knew that I would want to get in a fight. And people made fun of me. Why? Because I was "too smart". What sense does that make? But my point is, is that the vast majority of people who have Down syndrome, are very delayed in most places, such as speech, reading, writing, walking, expressing needs to the point where they can be understood and presented with that need, (for example, asking for juice). There are other reasons why I personally find them revalting. One example is their deformed and reduced skull size. Why? Because it's that reason that they tend to always have their tongues out. Because despite a normal sized tongue, their skulls, more specifically the jaw, is too small to hold their tongue in their mouths completely. And I also noticed that in the comments, there are people who have said things like "you're going to have a retarded child," and such. And that's not okay. Because if we as people are coming out to say our opinions, and one of those opinions is that they don't prefer people with disabilities, making a threat like that wouldn't hurt the person you intend to hurt. If someone, even such as I, who hate babies, and children in their entirety, would end up haveing a child with something wrong with them, it wouldn't be our/my life that would be hurt. It would be the child. And the fact that people are trying to ban abortions are ridiculous. The point of an abortion is not to kill a "human being" (in which ~80% of abortions are performed in the first trimester, at which point is truly is a clump of cells. It may have a beating heart, but doesn't have a central nervous system yet. So it cannot feel pain. And cannot think.) the point of abortion is to not bring yet another unwanted child into this world, and then put it in with the other 7 million children already in the adoption and foster care system. If we know that the life we would provide wouldn't be one worth living, why have it if it'll only have sadness? If you put a retarded baby into the system, (in which means they are OWNED by the government), it'll have a significantly less chance of having a worthy childhood compared rob a child whose mental capacity and capabilities are considered normal. It's the fact. I am sorry. By saying "I hope you have a retarded child", is condemning that child you wanted into this world to hurt another. It's just like how I am a dog person. And i hate cats. For multiple reasons. And that's my opinion. And i don think anyone would be mean to anybody with disabilities or children on purpose. (If you're good at heart. Excluding rapists and child molesters and the like)

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  • Zonfire80

    So sad you feel this way.

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  • helpful_demon

    there's nothing wrong with being disabled, and nobody can help the way they were born. maybe you just need to get to know them a bit more? and, unless they specify that they prefer to be referred to as "it", it would be a lot nicer if you didn't say that, just because most people draw the association between "it" and objects. not that there's anything wrong with using "it" as a pronoun, just that very few people do that and/or know someone who does and therefore it could be confusing or even insulting to them.

    this question is a clear example of why we need the cultural dialogue surrounding disabled individuals to shift. we aren't burdens on society, we're just people who happen to be experiencing life in ways that are unfamiliar to the status quo, and there's really nothing wrong with that. we've come a long way, but clearly there's a lot farther we need to go.

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    • Zonfire80

      I have aspergers and bipolar 1 disorder and that doesn't make me or any other person worth less. Everyone is unique in there own way.

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  • humanhater101

    you. I want to stab
    you in the eye with a poop incrusted dildo

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  • Ellystar18

    Very abnormal sense of hatred for these children! I will not lie they do creep me out sometimes but I do not HATE them or want these things to happen to them. People love them because they created them and gave birth to them and no matter what disability that is their little baby that they treasure.

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