Is it normal that i believe i can visit people with my mind?
This started when I was in middle school and I started reading all kinds of weird stuff on the internet. I read that it is possible to "visit" people in dreams by thinking about them deeply and this has always stuck with me. I taught myself how and tested it first on my best friend. I came up with the code word "watermelon", visited her with my mind and showed her an image of watermelons. The next day she said she had the strangest dream about me and watermelons.
I also tried this with my boyfriend at the time, but the trouble of it is that I couldn't completely believe it and I forgot the code word I told him. He brought up chicken one day randomly but I couldn't remember if that was the word and I also couldn't believe it. I tried visiting him many more times, but still was not completely convinced. This one day he seemed really freaked out about a dream he had about me and said I was a ghost, but wouldn't give me much detail. I think I really did visit him.
Now my boyfriend, sometimes I can ask him things in my head while he's sleeping and I'm laying next to him and he answers.
I thought maybe this can't work because you can't know if someone is in a sleep state if you're not around them, but I was in the alpha state yesterday and I think someone tried to mind visit me. I was like "I'm busy" and blew her off.
Does anyone else believe this is real?
Would anyone care to volunteer to let me mind visit them to test this theory? I don't know if it will work because I don't know what you guys look like, but some of you do have strong personalities and maybe that would be enough.