Is it normal that i believe i can visit people with my mind?

This started when I was in middle school and I started reading all kinds of weird stuff on the internet. I read that it is possible to "visit" people in dreams by thinking about them deeply and this has always stuck with me. I taught myself how and tested it first on my best friend. I came up with the code word "watermelon", visited her with my mind and showed her an image of watermelons. The next day she said she had the strangest dream about me and watermelons.

I also tried this with my boyfriend at the time, but the trouble of it is that I couldn't completely believe it and I forgot the code word I told him. He brought up chicken one day randomly but I couldn't remember if that was the word and I also couldn't believe it. I tried visiting him many more times, but still was not completely convinced. This one day he seemed really freaked out about a dream he had about me and said I was a ghost, but wouldn't give me much detail. I think I really did visit him.

Now my boyfriend, sometimes I can ask him things in my head while he's sleeping and I'm laying next to him and he answers.

I thought maybe this can't work because you can't know if someone is in a sleep state if you're not around them, but I was in the alpha state yesterday and I think someone tried to mind visit me. I was like "I'm busy" and blew her off.

Does anyone else believe this is real?

Would anyone care to volunteer to let me mind visit them to test this theory? I don't know if it will work because I don't know what you guys look like, but some of you do have strong personalities and maybe that would be enough.

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38% Normal
Based on 24 votes (9 yes)
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Comments ( 20 )
  • Karmasbitch

    You can do anything with your mind. I believe early man used telepathy to communicate and lifted objects with their mind. I believe you can visit alternate dimensions with your thoughts as well.

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    • myboyfriendsbitch

      I agree. I definitely believe that is how the primitives communicate. I feel like I can sometimes communicate this way too, since I don't have a way with spoken words. It's like my mind is open to others or something.

      I guess the mind trip failed though. lol. oh well.

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  • CreativeThinker

    And just for the record I'm the one who requested to create a spirituality section at IIN and thanks to IIN they accepted and I visited this site after more than a year or so and the first post I locked was this :)

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    • myboyfriendsbitch

      That's awesome! Spirituality is pretty much my favorite section. :D

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  • CreativeThinker

    People have different brain abilities but not everyone can just learn them,
    Out of my own experience that you can not always be sure that this is gonna work but it works most of the time,

    By the way How do you open and close your mind for others??? and could you please explain how did you get the feeling that someone tried to mind visit you when u were in alpha state???

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    • myboyfriendsbitch

      It's almost the same as using my imagination, which is why I question the reality of it. If I want to visit someone I imagine the person intensely and imagine interacting with them. I seem to have loud thoughts, so in some ways my mind is almost always open to others. I can't control how loud my thoughts are so I try not to think negatively of others.

      The person just popped into my mind while I was in a relaxed state. I was focused on my work and I just felt like the person's essence came from a source outside my mind, rather than me deciding to think about them myself.

      When I logged on the other day I wistfully hoped for more feedback on this post, so I'm just wondering... what drew you to it?

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      • CreativeThinker

        Well Once a person (most likely a mind reader) told me that "people who use computer their mind is very easy to read coz it is open to everybody" and your post has almost same content

        The other interest which drive me into it i.e I can kinda relate not exactly but I try to explain my feelings maybe we both can reach to some results

        During my teenage I used to get answers in dreams to whatever sedative I concentrate but mostly it was of negative nature, I donot know why always devil's channel picked up my questions coz I never get answers to positive or everyday question like If I have lost something or what questions are going to come in my quiz next day

        But this ability went away right after my teenage
        Few months ago I started to notice that I'm unwillingly thinking of an ex-colleague (A married female with kids who wanted to marry me but I had no such intentions)
        She was a very clever female she had no love affection toward me just a selfish female who wanted to take advantage of me I knew it from first day still I was driving toward her , during some specific hours in a day I just wanted to talk to her and feelings were so intense (probably she was putting some kind of love spells over me) But after few days when I confirmed her "I'm not going to marry her in anyway" the next day I felt a drop in intensity of thoughts related to her and eventually it went away in a week time

        Another experience is when I tried to concentrate on a girl (She was my friend)
        For two days at a specific time I started to imagine her as she is burning in love for me and third day she called me and asked "Hey are u putting some love spells on me from last two days??" I was shocked to hear this.....

        there are two other experiences where I get answers about two females (through dream) what they think of me....One of them wanted to start a relation with me and other not..
        I also received total blank answers for two other females which i donot know why or what it means if you donot get any answer...

        So our imagination works some time and some times not
        but it works this is what I observed Our materialistic science donot believe this occasional phenomena but as you yourself experienced that these experiences and feelings associated with it are so genuine to be ignored...We need to experiment more

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        • myboyfriendsbitch

          I think it's instinct, a primal ability that has aided us in communicating with one another before language developed. Perhaps it is the difference between introverts and extroverts. It works simpler than most might think and I think the belief in such a thing is purposely discouraged by government/media or whoever wants to control our minds... just a plausible conspiracy theory.

          The rational say that our subconscious collects countless details that allow us to make these predictions and the predictions are the only thing the conscious sees. I'm sure that's true to an extent, but how can the mind pick up details from a time and place that it never physically attended? I think we are all more connected than we think.

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          • CreativeThinker

            Exactly ... I agree with you..... but Telepathy combined with unseen things like devils or angels is something also at work around us...And not only concious there are three channels
            3-Sub concious
            and these three channels often speak to our brain through a medium and that medium could be our dream,clairvoyance ability or simple waves and both devils and angels can provide us answers this is something which can explain your question that how our brain collect unseen or unknown information

            So far what you have described and I explained this is a simple Imagination and concentration job....
            How about if I send you my picture and you try to enter into my brain??? would it work?

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  • LoneLangolier

    I think it's possible for people to have the same dream, when you enter a doorway in the dream. I've had dozens of them but a few were ethereal...

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  • GoraIntoDesiGals

    I don't believe it at all.

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  • squirrelgirl

    That sounds awesome. I actually want to start looking into stuff like that because I want to try it.

    By the way, you can test it on me if you like. :D

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    • myboyfriendsbitch

      Did anything unusual happen? I saw a short child-like girl running around and thought maybe it was you. It's hard to tell if its real or imagination, but I opened my mind to everyone for a few minutes and shared an album I was listening to. I would have tried harder but I've been super busy studying for an exam.

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    • Ok, I'm gonna stalk your comments a little so I can get a good image of you. I'll probably see you as a squirrel. I may try tonight, 4 or 5 hours from now and I'll give you a code word and my username. If you remember, we succeed!

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  • AtomicCollider

    It's not normal, but I believe it's real. We only use a small portion of our brain in our daily lives and I believe that you are using more than the "normal" amount. Our minds can do many things if we train them properly.

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    • Awesome! I'm glad you believe. Have you ever tried it?

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      • AtomicCollider

        I haven't tried it but it seems cool

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    • If you could use it all you'd be some sort of electro-weasle.

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      • MiNd FuCkEd by Larry Carlson.

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        • Nothing mindfucking about painting, it's most delightful to be sure, but perfectly understandable.

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