Is it normal that i believe i'm not the person i see in the mirror?
In other words, I'm not who I seem overall and I'm really someone else but the real me is hidden deep within my phyche as well as my dreams (possibly memories of a distant past) and I won't be able to become my real self until I die. I feel as if I wasn't ever really part of this world or the family I'm in. I honestly feel as if my real home is out there in the stars somewhere as well as my real family. I'm not saying I live a cruddy life here or I don't love my family (I'm close to a few of them, anyway) it's just that I feel like a foreign object within a body (Earth as well as my physical form) and I never belonged here, I don't belong here, and I never will belong here. I feel like I truly belong somewhere else where I can be the real me rather than a mask/shell of my former self or only a precursor to who I'll become in the next life (If I'm lucky to get one). I'm tired of sporting a identity that's a lie.