Is it normal that i believe in a higher power but hate religion?
I used to go to a christian elementary school, but it only made me hate religion. Religion makes people violent, you simply can't convince me otherwise. I know religion gives people faith and inspires them to love one another, but I believe everyone should follow what their heart tells them to. One could argue I cherry pick some elements from religions here and there, since I follow the ten commandments and have a lot of Buddhist sympathies, especially with meditation and chakras, but I feel like it's the right thing to do. Religion seperates people, spirituality seems to unite them in my opinion, love and unity needs to be emphasised. Not duty and discipline.
I believe in a God that loves his/her creations and would never damn them to a place of eternal punishment, regardless of how close minded they are, it goes against all of these ancient books but I simply don't care since my heart tells me it's the right thing. If I end up being wrong and God ends up being a warlord instead of a loving creator, then I would gladly defy His/Her will because I despise those outdated religious notions.