Is it normal that i believe in a higher power but hate religion?

I used to go to a christian elementary school, but it only made me hate religion. Religion makes people violent, you simply can't convince me otherwise. I know religion gives people faith and inspires them to love one another, but I believe everyone should follow what their heart tells them to. One could argue I cherry pick some elements from religions here and there, since I follow the ten commandments and have a lot of Buddhist sympathies, especially with meditation and chakras, but I feel like it's the right thing to do. Religion seperates people, spirituality seems to unite them in my opinion, love and unity needs to be emphasised. Not duty and discipline.

I believe in a God that loves his/her creations and would never damn them to a place of eternal punishment, regardless of how close minded they are, it goes against all of these ancient books but I simply don't care since my heart tells me it's the right thing. If I end up being wrong and God ends up being a warlord instead of a loving creator, then I would gladly defy His/Her will because I despise those outdated religious notions.

Voting Results
81% Normal
Based on 16 votes (13 yes)
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Comments ( 9 )
  • CountessDouche

    I think that's a quite lovely way to see the world. I often feel a little jealous if those who have the comfort of believing in a higher power. But really, there's a million variations of belief systems in the world, and there are many people who believe in a god, but don't prescribe to a particular religion. A lot of religious doctrine can be harmful, in my opinion, so it's nice that you're able to experience the positive aspects of spirituality, and leave the negative ones behind.

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  • Steve2.0

    Normal to hate religion, yes.

    Normal to believe in a higher power, no.

    You're 50% intelligent.

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    • Zeromancer

      Wow and you're 100% arrogant!

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  • green_boogers

    Nice that you have an abstract sense of spirituality. Translating your beliefs into action is good for the heart, except this process is easily high-jacked by self-righteous leaders that need to control society.

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  • Unimportant

    I half-agree with you.

    May I ask what your reasons for believing in a higher power (in this metaphysical sense) are?

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    • Zeromancer

      I believe in meaning, I believe that our lives matter, or rather I have to believe our lives matter because if they don't we would be better off killing ourselves and be done with it. People are suffering all over the world, some people are throwing their lives away and some others devote their lives to better our world and make a difference. Why should we make a difference if our world is completely meaningless? I know it's completely irrational to accept the idea of a higher power, but faith doesn't require rationality, faith is instead a whole different language that originates from a completely different, although in this case symbolic body part. Our brain works with rationale, but our hearts make us emotional, my motives for believing what I believe in are completely based around emotions. This is a subject for which I don't only think, but also feel. I feel there is a purpose for all of this and that our actions make a difference.

      It's more baseless philosophy without facts than a real reason, which is weird because I'm a logical thinker myself, or at least I consider myself to be one. I'm following a bachelors degree for chemistry at a university this summer and I love science and scientific subjects, so you could see how much faith I have, it goes against everything that they're going to teach me there. I guess my faith just keeps me going, even (or especially) when times are rough.

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  • NegativeGamer444

    i want us to nuke arabia

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    • Zeromancer

      Yeah sure that will solve all our problems.

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    • anti-hero

      You seem pretty dumb for someone who claims to be genius.

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