Is it normal that i believe in fairies?
I am 55 years old and I believe in fairies.
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I am 55 years old and I believe in fairies.
Just as normal as believing in angels. There are plenty of religions who believe in the fay- not to do with 'fey' which relates to wild, crazy, or marked for death. Faeries are actually quite creepy in legend.
Well fairies and unicorns and everything else like that really does exist, just not in our reality.
There's a professor in England that accidentally found fairies in photographs he took of the countryside. An exhibit of his photos are being shown.
I started to believe in them, in fact interacting with me w/o me having known it. Using black tourmaline, I started trying to summon certain things to happen, and I had a bizarre occurence that turned out to be such a thing. The way i know it was, is because I meditated on it, bcuz i knew it was something odd, and I figured out by visualizing some kind of answer, and when I would go outside to take my dogs out, I said HI to it and I felt a woosh of cold and it creeped me out kind of.. lol Anyway i swear im not crazy, never had had any mental issues and I was not under the influences of drugs that caused it either. It just sounds crazy, but I believe too. Apparently in 4th dimension they are and sometimes you can see into 4th dimension. Also they say on full moons the fairies are most likely to be seen partying and whatnot.
I have actually seen the affects of fairies. They have taken my mother's boyfriend's stuff and moved it across the country to our house before. Also, somtimes, she will put something down, turn around for a couple seconds, and it's gone. They also traded her cheap sunglasses with ray bans. I am not a lunatic or a troll.
Its quite acceptable for young children to believe in fairies.
But normally we all grow out it.
hey, a man cannot help being gay. No need to insult! and there's nothing wrong with dildos!
Fairies, unicorns, dildos. All real.... :|
There is only one in the list that is real, can you guess it?