Is it normal that i believe in ghosts?

I believe that if you are in a room, that someone has once died in that you can feel the presence of their spirit. I traded rooms with my sister, and in my old room I felt fine.. Nothing unordinary. But once I switched rooms I all of the sudden felt watched, I could feel the presence of something in that very room with me.. studying my every action, learning more about me than I'd ever told anyone..
I've always kind of believed in this stuff. Although I've never though of ghosts as how they were represented in scary movies, books and such. I don't believe they can pick things up, or move out of the room that their death was caused in, I don't think they're visible to the human eye, and they can't talk or make a sound.. But they're there.. They fill out the whole room and it's like they are one giant invisible eye observing every movement that's made. The only sign they can give, is the feeling of their presence.
I was laying, tucked in my bed, one night and I couldn't sleep.. I could feel the spirit/ghost next to me very strongly. I kept trying to ignore it, but it was simply impossible. Then, while I lay there, I could feel the end of the bed near my toes get a heavy weight on it. The end of the bed sank down and it stayed that way. I was scared at first, but then I thought it might be my cat. But In remembered that I let my cat out into the living room before my attempt to sleep and I had shut the door behind her. So, there I lay with my eyes wide open, scared, not moving a muscle.. Eventually my dad came into my room to check on me, and the instant he flipped on the light switch, the weight was lifted from my bed. My dad kept asking me what was wrong, and he wiped sweat from my forehead. So, I told him I had a bad dream, he would never believe me if I said what had just happened.
Also, I always find my cat turning her head really quickly to watch nothing. She will move her head along the wall searching for something.. She often meows to herself, while blankly staring up at the corners of my room, and it's usually a different meow than I've ever heard from her before. I think this may be a sign that ghosts are visible to cats? I don't know..

I'm a 14 year old girl, and I would like to know if this is normal or not.. Do you believe in ghosts or spirits? If so please comment, Thanks.

Voting Results
70% Normal
Based on 92 votes (64 yes)
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Comments ( 45 )
  • suckonthis9

    Are there spiders or insects in your room?
    That is what the cat is looking for.

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  • jeremybrown50hhh

    The truth is, there happens to be a barrier between humans and ghosts. Souls unworthy of going to the Heavens are sealed to this barrier. What really trys to harm humans, are daemons. The idea about demons is far from being a mere mythology. You can find about them in the Bible. Daemons that manyer times harm humans pretend to be ghosts of dead people inorder to decieve them. You will hear many people, including celebrities like Lady Gaga claiming to be haunted by them, I myself do as I till this very day see blood red eyes when I am alone, in the dark at night and so can my bother. We both know that this is no dream, vision or hallucination. Yes they can kill, but very rarely. Their main aim is to process us. Some of them arent that bad, and wont try to harm us although their presence can be felt. Some of them even protects us, by giving us warnings of approaching danger or fighting of evil daemons. One wild idea about them is they have sex with us. This is crazy, but one of my cousins claim it happens to her. One night she woke up feeling very heavy, and was stunned to see a black shadow on top of her, and she was unable to get up as it was holding her down. She tried to scream but no words came out of her mouth, luckily there was a table lamp on the table, to the right of her bed and with all her might she turned the light on and the shadow vanished. She was fully aware that this was not a case of sleep paralysis in the least. But I am sure the demons that haunts you are not the killing type, and I think they have the same intention as they had for my cousin. Dont let that creep you out though, this is happening to many people unaware of the whole thing. Only certain people have the ability to detect them, and all cats do. Take good care of your cat. Goodbye.

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  • jeremybrown50k

    Dont care what others might say, because it is a fact that super natural creatures do exist. They are usually unseen, yet their prescence can be felt. The human eye is composed of two different cells, the cones that operate in the bright while the rods operate in the dark. Rods are much more powerful than cones, and had they operated in the bright our eyes would have been burned by the intensity. Rods can sometimes, in very unfortunate cases allow us to see the usually unseen, something which has happened in my case ant that of other people I know. Why can some people feel them, while the others cannot? Well they target only those with a good and incent soul, so sinners like Shuggy and online date Kit can never see them, so are taking this whole thing as a joke. I suggest you to report them as they are ruining your post! Cats can always see them and feel them because they are innocent creatures, and so can many other animals. Some cats like mine can even detect a future nearby death and will keep on crying non stop, until theat person dies. We humans are so sinful that we do not pocess such gifts, which may have actually been a curse.

    Now how to survive the usually unseen yet feelable:
    Have faith in GOD and seek his help as he created us all and no power is greater than his.
    Be BRAVE, as bravery is something they dread and our bravery can vanquish theirs.
    Always keep the light on when it gets too dark, or you are alone no matter how difficult it is to sleep; they preffer and are most powerful in the dark (this is the reason why my little brother is still alive as they haunt him in the same way as you, if he goes to bed in the dark).
    Stay close and support your family and loved ones at all times, as union and love are powers they can never witstand and will be vanquished by.

    Hope that helped. Sorry for any spelling mistake, as my keyboard does not work properly. Goodbye, goodnight and sweet dreams little sister.

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  • anti-hero

    I have never been the type to believe in things that I have never seen/experienced or at least seen proof of their existence. Things such as ghosts, aliens, big foot, The Loch Ness monster, yeti, mermaids, fairies and so on. In my opinion these things do not exist.

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    • SimpleBlue

      Yes but that is YOUR opinion.

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      • anti-hero

        Yes it is, that is why I said "In my opinion these things do not exist."

        Way to read genius.

        *pats you on the head and gives you a hard candy*

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        • jeremybrown50k

          I can prove their existence, all I need is your full name. Anyway even if you told me, I would not do such a hellish thing. Dont you dare reply to this, you ugly git!

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  • chubbawubba69

    It's normal that you believe in them because it seems common. This does not make it true though, and no scientific evidence exists to support their existence.

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  • Justsomejerk

    I was seeing a woman who spoke with spirits and angels. She would write down these long letters for people from the dead with lots of accurate info ago couldn't have known and then struggle with wether or not to tell the person the letter was to. Some people would be happy and some would freak right the fuck out. She would cry because she didn't know what to do and the spirits would still speak to her with new messages.

    Now I'm a huge sceptic but I couldn't fault her and she was genuine about it.

    I've never experienced any paranormal activity but I'm not closed minded enough to make the call that they don't exist.

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  • Shackleford96

    I believe in Space_Ghost!

    But to answer your question, yes, I do believe there are such beings out there even though I've never really seen one myself, but I know people who have though.

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  • a little ghost who comes to you in waking hours and taps you on the shoulder, remember me? if there is no grudge laugh out loud in that room , make an echo of it round the room yell in the corners and all will be fine $5 please

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  • iEatZombies_

    Believe in Space_Ghost?. She believes in you.

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    • DannyKanes

      You beat me to it, that's what I was going to write :)

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      • iEatZombies_


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      • Steve92

        Trolls will be trolls! I find it a matter of shame for a 26 year old man to claim that he is a helpless 14 year old girl! Eweee you awful git! Visit a graveyard an all alone at night, if you dare' may be that will man you up a bit. Or perhaps you are actually a she male? Freaks are worse than ghosts, get it you freak? Bye!

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        • I swear, every post on this site has at least one comment accusing someone of being a "troll".
          What I find a 'matter of shame' is the fact that a fourteen year old girl is far more mature than you.I have not a clue what led you to the conclusion that I'm a she-male, but if that's what you would like to believe, then go ahead. And if I were a she-male, that would not make me a freak.
          Seriously bro, grow the fuck up, and stop wasting your time leaving needles comments about what you assume things to be. If you do not relate to the post, or can't leave a helpful comment, I suggest you don't even leave one.

          Maybe you should instead use the time you waist leaving unnecessary comments, to get a life.

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          • Steve92

            Your facebook id would be better.

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            • No. I bet you're a gross old man.
              Why do you want my Facebook id anyways?

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          • Steve92

            I thought Danny posted it, peretending it to be a girl, sorry about that. But if you find she-males attractive, than you are one! And freaks are truely worse than ghosts, so if you arnt a she-male, instead of fearing ghosts fear them. You dont belong to those dick ladies or ghost, but hot guys like us. Can you give me your e mail id, please?

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    • anti-hero


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    • Captain_Kegstand

      Dammit! Why am I always getting beat to the joke!

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  • the_misty_haze

    The only people who don't believe in ghosts are people who have never experienced anything supernatural. I grew up hearing stories of things that happened in my family before I was born multiple people swearing up and down the same stories. Very trustworthy people. I've seen strange things once in one apartment I lived. After moving out and mentioning I lived there once to a acquaintance she immediately started asking me if id had experiences there. She knew of the place. So no I don't think your unnormal at all.

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  • dappled

    Ghosts plural, no. Ghost singular, yes. The ectoplasmic eidolon of IIN.

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  • shuggy-chan

    i believe in ghost, when i was in SPACE one came and touched me every night =3

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    • kit291

      did it really or were you dreaming again XD

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      • shuggy-chan

        might been a dream cause a rainbow princess riding a unicorn came and drove the ghost away and then let me have some of her cookies <3 hahaha

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        • kit291

          wow a princess with cookies that amazing. i'd like to know where this unicorn came from XD lol

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          • shuggy-chan

            idk, but she just threw me over her shoulder and carried me away, riding on the rainbow road

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  • jeremybrown50hhh

    Its been 6 years since this post was written, still my most fav post ever on IIN. I <3 you op, really pray that you stay safe! Have faith in God, no ghosts will harm you.

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    • jeremybrown50hhh


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  • RedShift

    A lot of things are normal.

    A lot of things are retarded.

    This is both.

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  • ninjaman

    I don't believe in ghosts but it is normal

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  • pyt_1185

    Hey this is very real. Uou may be dealing with a Spirit of Fear. And it's sole purpose is to scare you, to make you fearful at all times. Because God says, perfect love casts out fear (Gods Love). So sweetie I want you to pray. I don't know if your parents are believers in Christ but I've seen situations like this get more intense, because it happened with me.

    2timothy 1:7 God does not give a spirit of fear but of power, love, and a sound mind. I'll pray that it gets better for you.

    Check out this website it was really helpful to me. Plus you won't necessarily have to tell anyone right away until you understand it a bit more.

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  • SimpleBlue

    It dosen't seem rational, but hey, you are entitled to your opionon.

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  • Gelmurag

    I'm sensitive to spirit energy, so yes I absolutely believe in them. For me it is more of an innate knowledge about an event. I can't say I hear the voices of the spirits, but I just...know. (I've backed this up many many times by doing a little research) I usually keep...a lid on my powers though because there are...things...that can come in that are not very nice. Without proper guidance/training/people around (None of which I have) it can make a very dangerous situation.

    I have seen them. A boy and his guardian while I was growing up populated my basement. They died in a fire near the property in 1845. It was his 11th birthday, and he was excited he received new shoes. But the barn where the party was held caught on fire, and their exits were blocked.

    I had a shadow spirit follow me around when I was 6, we used salt in the corners of the house to get rid of it. Turns out the house we were living in at the time, a messenger in the 1910's had lived there and died. I was seeing the shadow deliver packages to the front door. (human shaped black blob bending down, standing up, and touching a "hat")

    Well two of many stories I have. For me, seeing things/sensing things like that are just part of normal everyday life.

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    • Mr Gelmurag, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul

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      • Gelmurag

        You can't even come up with a unique comment so you just copy and paste that derogatory remark. I've counted at least 3 other places where people gave adequate stories or advice, but you flamed them. Move on troll.

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        • Wow you're smart (considering it's from a film, i would think you'd realise im not trying to be clever). It's only trolling if you're trying to trick them, i simply paste that to comments that i find so ridiculous or egotistical (in this case both) that they don't deserve a troll or even any sort of contemplation. Move on Mr gelmufag

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  • GuessWho

    It could be something as simple as the visual or acoustic aspects of the construction of the room or electrical interference from wiring in the walls, etc. that's screwing with your subconscious. Some people are sensitive to that kind of stuff.

    Try decorating your room differently, putting your bed in a different position, unplugging any electrical devices in your room, sleeping with a light on.
    It may be something as simple as this that is causing you discomfort subconsciously.

    If none of the above work, then you can blame it on a ghost.

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  • Ono

    I've never experienced anything to make me believe in ghosts or anything supernatural. Women tend to believe this kind of stuff a lot more than guys do.

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  • disthing

    I guess, but it seems like a bit of a conclusion jump to me. You're filling in the gaps with fiction and folk stories to explain what you can't explain.

    It's more rational to accept you simply don't know what it was in your room. Let your imagination run wild considering the possibilities, but firmly settling on one hypothesis is dumb.

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  • blondbond69


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    • anti-hero

      Good point.

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  • Captain_Kegstand

    I have never had an experience with a ghost, or anything paranormal at all. I wouldn't, however, say that I do not believe in the possibility of the existence of ghosts. Seems kind of close minded to blatantly not believe in anything that cannot be proved false!

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