Is it normal that i believe most religious people are hypocrites?

I don't think its uncommon to see people who claim they are religious, however they do very little to show it. I used to date a girl for a very long time, she claimed to be a catholic, even though she haven't been to church in years. Some people who claim to be religious, support gay marriage (which I have nothing against, but its clearly forbidden in the bible). Most of the religious people I know today, had premarital sex. In the bible it clearly says Judge not, and ye shall not be judged, however people claim they judge the action and not the person, which in my belief is a loop hole. I read the bible, and I don't remember a single verse there saying that the Ten Commandments are optional. Some religious people told me that if I'm wrong, and there is god, I'm going to hell, but if they are wrong, and there is no afterlife, they lose nothing. I think its wrong to believe in something just out of the fear of "what if", and if you truly believe in god, you should follow the bible (or the quran) word for word. Otherwise, if both those who follow the bible strictly and those who just say they believe in god, go to heaven, whats the point of following the bible at all? Of course I don't claim that EVERY religious person is this way, but the vast majority are, at least from what I encountered. What's your opinion?

I'm religious and I agree 13
I'm religious and I disagree, but believe its normal to believe that 6
I'm an atheist and I disagree, but believe its normal to believe that 5
I'm an atheist and I don't think its normal. 2
I'm religious and I don't think its normal. 1
I'm agnostic and I don't think its normal. 0
I'm an atheist and I agree 34
I'm agnostic and I disagree, but believe its normal to believe that 4
I'm agnostic and I agree 15
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Comments ( 22 )
  • anti-hero

    I think most all people religious or not are hypocrites.

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    • wigsplitz

      That's what I was gonna say!!

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  • Sog

    Some people are egotistical hypocrytes. Some people aren't. It doesn't really matter if they're religous or not.

    The fact that you stand here in judgement of them is not all that much different from what they're doing. It's just best to let them go and be ignorant.

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  • TheStig

    Hypocrisy is a requirement of faith. The cognitive dissonance required to believe crazy things requires a huge skewing of your perceptions of pretty much everyone.

    How can you believe that only your lot are going to heaven and the rest of the world will be tortured forever if you're not a massive hypocrite?

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    • poof!gone122

      I definitely agree with you. To me, the whole point of following a religion is to try to walk in that faith (whatever it may be) and learn from it. But everyone messes up and they know it's wrong. That in itself is hypocrisy. Sin is hypocrisy because you know it's against the faith that you believe in and you do it anyway.

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    • Immune2BS&way2Illuminated

      Sofa king true.

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  • suckonthis9

    Where's the option for none of the above?
    I am Enlightened. This ends hypocrisy.
    The bible is not an authoritative historical, scientific or moral source. This has been proven many, many times. Why people continue to cling on to this archaic document is beyond me.
    What is certain, is that the bible is (mostly) a fantasy story that was created by men and women, and that people are fallible.

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  • Oasis808

    It's sad to know many religious people use religion to justify hate. It's so backwards I can't understand it. When I was young I was extremely religious. My friend introduced me to the idea that " their is probably not a God ". I began to lose faith and considered myself an atheist although I would still say I had some type of belief. Now, I wouldn't say I'm religious but I am spiritual. I don't think anyone religion is necessarily wrong either. I don't know if belief in a higher power makes me a theist... >_<

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  • Antir0b0t

    First off, I'll apologize if I repeat anything that's already been said. But here's my perspective.
    YES. I used to be a very faithful christian, I have not met one single christian who wasn't a hypocrite. I even struggled with hypocrisy. They cling to the bible, and it's irrelevant for modern times. They worship a "loving" god they're told to fear. They support "acceptance" but will cast you away if you're homosexual or partake in illegal activity.
    I remember being 10 or 11 years old, sitting in a pew with my family at church on Sunday. (When 9/11 was still a recent thing.) The pastor was preaching, and scorned the middle eastern people. Speaking lowly of Muslims and attempting to educate false information to the congregation. They. ate. it. up.
    Needless to say, I have negative feelings about religion. But not a biased opinion, I used to be religious. I can honestly say I believe it's just a part of their faith, as I mentioned, it's built on hypocrisy.

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  • I'm religous and I agree. I support gay marriage/union because the Lord says we should accept everyone. I know choosing to accept and reject certain parts of the bible makes anything possible, but if you're a sensible person, you'll know what the right thing to do is. You'll also be open to other suggestions and interpetations.

    I don't go to church, but I pray my thanks every night. There's a lot of hypocrisy and drama at churches from what I've seen and experienced first-hand. I believe not attending doesn't make you any 'less' christian. As long as you believe and accept the Lord as your savior and lead a loving life, you are a christian.

    Oh, and I agree that nearly everyone is a hypocrite regardless of religion. Heck, I'm a hypocrite too.

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    • suckonthis9

      Who, exactly is this "Lord" you speak of?

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      • Chris_11945

        Quit shoving your shit down peoples throats, you ignorant prick. Let people believe what they want, don't advocate your feelings that they don't care about. Prick.

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        • suckonthis9

          Be polite and courteous with others.

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          • Chris_11945

            Then don't flaunt your bias, prick.

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  • chewy

    That is only one religion there are many others, besides Religion is garbage.

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  • Immune2BS&way2Illuminated

    Now let me speak. Religion is an ideology that has progressed through human life from alpha and omega. I doubt humans had the same idea of God from the Adam and Eve story as we in the 21st Century have today simply because of the information effect. That is "my" simple label of the cause and effect situation that I am going to state. Information given to one person that is expected to pass to at least 30 individuals in the same room and proximity changes drastically by the time the 30th person is reached. Therefore almost all history by default is changed at least marginally from the direct and absolute truth. So in saying, to go by ANY book that claims truth from anywhere near 100 years ago is fallacy and idiocy by DEFAULT. For that information will have been changed from the original format and if you honestly don't believe that because of some divine fancy then you are as insane as a candle with a conscious sexual mind.

    LISTEN TO REASON! I am sorry Palestinian Guy I am NOT trying whatsoever to down you and I respect absolutely your determination and faith. The reason of the word idiocy is JUST to state that you believe something that has passed through human corruption, even the US constitution this day is debated for it's original meanings and that is only 200 years ago. I am not naming you an idiot, only trying to call out to your mind illogically AND logically if you can understand that paradox. Everything is not decided by absolute reason. If it was you wouldn't have reflexes. The information we receive is controlled. If you really believe that this country is controlled by a government that seeks only monetary and physical gain...and it is one of the most powerful empires on this planet; what makes you think that one of the world's most published books is untouched by ANY corrupting minds. Answer me that. I shall not believe any divine fancies or angels that have protected it hearsay....HEARSAY.

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  • myownopinions

    From that standpoint I could agree, but most people are just loose on religion and could have an entirely different religion altogether yet they're to lazy to make it.

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  • PalestinianGuy

    I totally agree with you, I also believe this is the reason why a lot of people hate Islam, because most Muslims nowadays are not following Islam and they give the rest of us a bad reputation.

    The Imam Muhammad Abduh(he's like the pope to us Muslims) said after he returned from Europe in 1888: "I went to the West and saw Islam, but no Muslims; I got back to the East and saw Muslims, but not Islam."

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  • Anime7

    In my opinion, I wouldn't say that every religious person is hypocrite just put in a state of suppression. We are humans and humans commit sins every so often. However, most religious people try to ignore that fact and pretend to be good. Scratch that last part. What I meant to say was they do their best to be good. If the people you've met who are religious are preachers then of course they're hypocrites. Preachers preach a lifestyle to others when it's possible that they don't listen to every word they're saying. A preacher is a hypocrite but not his followers, they're merely people who want to touch God, and there's nothing wrong with that.

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    • I think you misunderstood the kind of people I was referring to. I saw real religious people in my life, who really do try their best to live by the book, they don't claim to be saints, but they try to follow the word as much as possible, I also never see them pass judgement on anyone. Its the other kind, and from what I noticed, the majority, who despite of claiming to be religious, do things on an everyday basis that are forbidden in the book, and not even trying to do things differently. They are also very judgmental if you tell them you're an atheist.

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      • Anime7

        Those people you've observed who claim to be religious aren't. They're hypocrites. I've dealt with both of these types, people who try to live by the bible and people who claim they do but in actuality don't. The majority, as you've stated, are the hypocrites. While the ones trying to touch God are the real religious folks.

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    Yes, I know exactly what you are talking about.
    The thing to remember is that people are not perfect. Humans are weak and while some of us have an easy time keeping to the morals of our religion, many of us are not so easy in keeping to the code, so to speak.

    That in and of itself wouldn't be the problem if these people remembered that they were imperfect and that they can't decide God's will nor can they cast the first stone. You can't teach by shaming others, you can't teach my intimidation with threats of hell. If you want to teach your religion to others, teach by example and be a good example and not cast judgement on others when you are just as human and just as imperfect yourself. If religious people bothered to read the parts of the bible that express that one must love their fellow man and remember that we are all as imperfect as the next, there wouldn't be so many qualms about religion.

    Arrogance, ideological pride and stupidity run rampant within the human race. Sadly enough, the pure foundation of religion was built upon by the corrupt and powerful and spirituality has been stained by the inequities of man. Religion, in it's mainstream form, has become just another catalyst of this stupidity and quest for dominance.

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