Is it normal that i believe people should adopt more

The world's population is well over 7 billion. Why is it that most humans desire biological offspring with the Earth having such a large population density and millions of kids in need of adoption? I believe that more people shouldn't have kids and adopt instead. While bloodties can be nice, that's not what bring family together. Love and care brings people together. If people do procreate, I personally believe that the people in question should only have one child and if they want more, adopt. I think this because it would help with the planet's population and help those in need of brighter futures. Because if a human can show love to a birthchild, then why can't they extend the same to a child that's not of their blood?

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88% Normal
Based on 73 votes (64 yes)
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Comments ( 97 )
  • Terence_the_viking

    I think people don't adopt because of the hoops you have to jump through to actually get accepted.

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    • MissClaire

      you got it - average cost = $15,000 - $50,000
      Adoption is almost exculsively for wealthier people.

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      • Lillian63

        That isn't true and you know it. Maybe it is for infant adoptions but not older child adoptions.

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        • MissClaire

          My answer was based on what I have read, and my girl friends experience adopting. I'm sorry your so angry about this.

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          • I believe that adopting babies and toddlers is selfish. If people adopt, they should adopt older kids through the foster care system or a orphanage. Older kids generally need to be adopted alot more than younger ones.

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            • MissClaire

              I believe that everyone has their own personal reasons for adopting the age group that they have chosen. I agree that there is little awareness/information on older child adoption options.
              I do not agree that someone is labelled selfish for adopting a baby or a todler as apposed to an older child.
              I am more inclined to call a mother/father who did not protect themselves from unwanted pregnancy selfish -- as well as those that insist on having children for the gov't benefits and cannot provide an appropriate environment for a child to be raised, and then, taken away... selfish. They have put the child in this terrible situation; the responsibility should not be automatically assigned to those wanting to adopt - they have a choice. Unfortunately the children do not have a choice or a voice because of their age - since I live in Canada, I know adoption is government regulated; not sure if it is that way where you live. But if it is, your anger should be redirected in that direction.

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            • Mando

              Good point.

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    • Lillian63

      Adoption isn't easy but people should still adopt.

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  • Lesley,YUNOLEAVE?!

    I feel like I'm one of the "Heroes" that help Earth by not having any biological kids with the intention of adopting a child already here. How I'll slow the population growth (along with other people that choose to not have kids) and help the Evil and Selfish Ones (IOW, Human Breeders) by letting them have resources for their own progeny. No thanks are needed. Just doing my job as a good Humanitarian.

    It's a shame I'm not a super hero. Then I'd cut the population by 3/4s and limit everyone's family size to 2 kids (Multiple Births would cease to exist). I'd also make everyone only live to the age of 66 (anyone presently over 66 would fall over dead and their bodies would make beautiful patches of flowers).

    Oh, and when people hit the age of 40, they're completely sterile (no more disabled or deformed babies or just normal babies born to grandma/grandpa aged parents). I'd save this planet in a massive way and we'd never have the issues we do today (overpopulation and what not) again.

    I just wish more people were like me. I hope that I'm actually doing the world good, too. I think I am.

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  • malkiot

    I wouldn't adopt for a very selfish reason. It's not really my child. If I am going to spend a lot of time, money and invest my emotions into nurturing a child, it's not going to be to help some other chap's offspring at least not voluntarily. Doing that would be biological folly.

    Also having two kids is fine, the problems lie with the overpopulated countries. In fact depopulation is a problem in Europe, so I don't think any restrictions have to be placed here.

    You should be targeting Africa\Latin America\Asia with this. They have to up to 28 kids (one guy with 5 wives) and are then surprised that they can't make ends meet nor pay tuition. *sigh*

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  • Iamtruman

    Having your own and knowing that it came out from you, conceived by you and your partner, makes people feel like there's a part of them in that child. It's an innate feeling that is just much stronger than anything else as it creates a separation with the bond with your child and others. It's also somewhat possesive. It's like you have a claim to ownership with that child.

    I agree that adoption would be a good way to share your blessings and love with others who already exist and lack those experiences. It's hard to be strong-minded about it though when procedures interfere. It makes people think twice. If only people were more considerate about adoption, then more children would feel loved and have better paths along the way.

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    • Lillian63

      Having kids is horribly selfish and close-minded. Everytime a baby is born (generally speaking), a child in need ages out of a orphanage or foster home somewhere. Why is having your own kids so flipping important to people? Biological urges? Bullocks. That would be called Narcissism and the wanting for "mini-mes". If people gave more damns than they do, we wouldn't have so many foster kids and orphans. Adoption isn't easy but that's no excuse not to adopt.

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      • Iamtruman

        Exactly. It is not easy but a lot of people do not care well enough to take the initiative. As long as things are orbiting around their lives everything is else is second rated.

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        • Lillian63

          Well it shouldn't be like that. That's their fault isn't it? Selfish assholes.

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  • flowergirl87

    Of course you can deeply love an adopted child, although, I don't think it's quite the same kind of love as for your own child, however, I don't think this should stop people. I think it's a bit extreme to believe that people shouldn't have offspring of their own. Humans will always have maternal (and paternal!) urges that drive them to procreate. It's natural and normal - although, in this day and age, I do think having more than say 5 is irresponsible. I wish people would be more open minded about adoption. noopiepoe is right, though, it's a long and drawn out process. But they have to make sure these kids are ending up with good parents. Personally, I think people should do some kind of test before they become parents - whether natural or adopted!? I know that sounds harsh... but when you think about some of the rubbish parents out there... I've got a point! : / There are many happy and healthy families with adopted kids out there and a few more would be a positive thing. I see your point, but I do think it's a bit on the extreme side, if I'm completely honest.

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    • Lillian63

      I know Adoption isn't easy. But that shouldn't stop people from adopting kids in need. I am not adopted but I believe that having kids is a completely selfish act (no offence). Having 5 kids? Are you nuts? People should only have 1 or 2 kids maybe 3 at most. Any more than that and you're over-reproducing. Adoption may not be easy but that's why humans need to make it easier.

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      • flowergirl87

        I do definately see your point, but you are quite at one end of the scale with it. When I say no more than 5, I mean as an absolute maximum. But say if someone had a child, then had twins, then wanted one more but had triplets. Unlikely, but not impossible. Personally, I think 2 or 3 is a healthy number. Or one, but as an only child, I'm not sure it's the best family dynamic - depends. Your viewpoint is very sensible in terms of environment, sustainability etc and I agree adoption should be considered more than it is. However, you can't judge people for having their own. When people start having tons of kids, judge them then... that is a bit selfish!

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        • Lillian63

          When there are MILLIONS of needy kids out there, I CAN judge those who decide to reproduce. Just saying. It's selfish to reproduce when so many kids need to be adopted. You just want to justify having kids. That is indeed very selfish.

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          • flowergirl87

            Ok, but your view is quite extreme and be prepared for others to think the same. Also, hope you don't mind me asking, are you hoping to adopt one day? Or have you already? (I've asked Rosie45 too.)

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  • Lillian63

    Personally, it would be great if the world's population dropped by 4 or 5 billion people. That would surely help with the overpopulation problem and the number of kids in orphanages and foster homes. Another nice thing that would happen is if people could finally elect to have their kids sterilized at early ages so more kids would be adopted. Just a thought. Free sterilization for adults would be great too.

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  • Lillian63

    If alot more people adopted instead of reproduced, alot more kids wouldn't be stuck in orphanages and foster homes never knowing what it's like to be adopted by a loving parent or parents. It's sad that there are so many people close-minded to adoption when there are so many needy children. I'm not adopted but i know that the kids in orphanages and foster homes must be hurting terribly...being ignored and treated as 2nd-rate citizens because everyone keeps having their own kids for the sake of narcissism and mini-mes. It's quite sad. Maybe if alot more people were infertile, the problem could be fixed to an extent.

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  • chuy

    I agree with OP, too bad it's next to impossible to adopt is to costly and to demanding. To many requirements that most people can't meet.

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  • Endless Suffering, refer to my 1st comment to you. Thank you.

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  • GoraIntoDesiGals

    For the sake of the unborn child that didn't ask to come into this horrible world I'm all for it. For the sake of the adopted too. However from an econimics standpoint this would be a disaster. We'd also aggravate the already dire situation of having an aging population and exploding retirement schemes.

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    • Perhaps but the economy could be fixed. If alot more people died off it would be a good thing.

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      • GoraIntoDesiGals

        Less people means less consumers.

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        • So? How is that a problem?

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          • GoraIntoDesiGals

            That the economy will shrink and that there won't be enough people with jobs to sustain the aging population.

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  • I was thinking that every nation could pick up a strict reproducing policy (think China) and that they can persuade people to adopt with tax breaks and payments for the "Lesser People, Lesser Orphans/Foster Kids" cause.

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  • true i agree but maybe 2

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  • Speaking to myself:
    I know who's at fault here. I mean, sure i made another typing error of my messages. But there were those who misunderstood and acted as bitches and bastards here to me. I won't be sorry for my actions until they are.

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  • Speaking to myself:
    I can say what i want and when i want. I know i've been badly treated and judged. I know what's true and i'll be damned if i'll let anyone try to prove me otherwise. Because I am talking to myself, no one should mess with me.

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  • Mando

    People want children probably for the same reasons your parents did.

    In terms of overpopulation, it depends on what part of the world you are speaking of. I don't think there is an overpopulation problem in the western world. Over consumption yes, but in terms of population birth rates are often below replacement rates. In other words not enough children are born to replace the current population.

    Adoption to address global population growth is a bit of a mismatch - because it just can't be done nor is it the right tool. You'd just have economically advantaged countries taking the children away from families of disadvantaged countries.

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    • Yes the world is overpopulated. Reproducing alot less would help. I personally believe that you should have no more than one child. Yes Adoption would help because you're giving kids that are already here brighter futures (that could result in the fixing of the world). I believe that having kids is completely selfish and narcissic.

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      • Mando

        Reproducing amongst whom, Rosie? In the part of the world that can actually afford it - reproduction is way down. Elsewhere it is way up and a matter of survival (as always). We live in an incredibly polarized world. Just wondering what your thoughts are because a lot of western kids seem to think if they have kids, they are part of the problem. I don't think so.

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        • We also should reward those who choose not to breed instead of those who do. Those who breed should not be rewarded. That's my opinion.

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          • malkiot

            Great... give the smart people even less incentive to have children and the let the dumb continue to breed.

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            • I didn't say that. You're making stuff up. I said everyone should get more incentive to not breed.

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          • yeah and go on

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        • Well, we should ensure that those who reproduce considerably should get regulations so the population won't be so high. And yes there are many american people who reproduce like rabbits (like that Octomom bitch or those moronic Duggars). So yes we do have that problem globally. We need more regulations and incentives to not reproduce that much. I'm just trying to validate my point.

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          • Mando

            Of course your point is valid. There are always kids who one instinctively wishes a better alternative for - that is human compassion, and a good thing. But adoption - and global? Well, you can be a good person, but you do need to look at realistic options. I love adoption, but really there are limits - we need a society outside the limits of those children's luck in what parents they got - that believes in them and supports them. That is just my opinion, Rosie.

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            • I am being realistic. People should really strive harder to fix things including our planet and its population. That's all i'm saying.

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  • LilyAmongTheThorns

    Adoption is a good thing when done right, I think. Unfortunately so often it is not. If you want an infant you're looking at paying a very very large sum of money. People want older children far less often, and even then...

    I was raising my sister on my own and she got adopted to a family who just wanted the cute little white girl from Thailand but had no use for her 17 year old sister.

    I realize why someone wouldn't want to adopt a 17 year old, but separating siblings like that is beyond cruel. The foster system is poorly handled where I'm from and I've got a lot of friends here in America with similarly poor experiences, such as being put with foster families that just wanted to exploit the money they got.

    I think the idea of adoption is wonderful and for many people it has been an amazing, fantastic thing that has changed lives... but there are downsides, too. I can understand why someone might not want to deal with the headache.

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  • RockerRoseanne

    Humans have an innate need to have biological offspring.

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    • Lillian63

      Bullocks. It's a want not a need. A very selfish want at that.

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      • malkiot

        It's not a need, nor is it a 'want'. It's an instinct and one that has served us well so far. The problem is not the instinct but that reproductive selection criterion have largely been removed from human society.

        It's 'bollocks' by the way.

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  • dom180

    I don't know if I'd go as far as saying having biological kids is wrong, although I do believe that just because an urge is natural - like having kids biologically related to yourself - does not make the urge right.

    In 2011, 60 babies were adopted in the UK. In the whole of that year. In a country of 60 million people, only 60 babies. That's almost literally nothing. Only 3000 older children were adopted in the same year, out of 65000 in care. That's less than 1 in 20 who should be adopted who were adopted. It's obvious that we need to get more children adopted, and to do that we need to make it easier to adopt and foster kids.

    At the moment, people have too many kids for lots of reasons. Contraception is expensive, more kids means more money from the government, more kids means more chance of one of them being able to do something with their life. Add that to a biological urge you can't help, and you can't blame people for wanting more kids than they can support.

    I think there is a little bit of fear around adoption too. Having to tell a kid that you are not his or her "real parents" must be a really, really hard thing to do for everyone involved.

    I think the main thing is that adoption doesn't even cross most people's minds. They don't even consider it a real option for them, they see it as "something other people do". We need to create public awareness that adoption is a very normal thing to do, instead of something weird or against the norms of society. While it is still considered abnormal to adopt, most people won't even seriously consider adoption.

    EDIT: Link with the UK abortion stats I used -

    What makes it worse is that those numbers suggest that, far from getting better, less and less kids are being adopted and more and more are in need of adoption. Of course, we could chalk that down to the economy at the moment and how much more it costs to raise kids these days, but it sure isn't a good sign.

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  • Short4Words

    That's a good question. I hope if I'm ever to have a child of my own, I can just come in as the father, or we can adopt, I don't see or feel a need to spread my seed.

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    First of all, I must point out that a lot of people that say this, in MY experience, are unaware of just how difficult (and expensive!) adoption is and can be.

    I want natural kids but I also want to adopt. I, too, could never quite understand how you can look at your own child, regardless of their blood ties to you, and not love them as your own. I did the research and I researched everything from adoption of babies to adoption from foster care and it almost makes 9 months of pregnancy and childbirth look like an easier undertaking.

    Good, married middle class couples get rejected almost daily. The process is long, grueling and even then there are no guarantees that you'll be able to be parent to a child, regardless of the urgency of their need for adoption.

    Honestly, I hope I'm able to have my own child and I will most likely just be a foster parent and hope the opportunity to adopt comes my way rather than having an only child and the frustration that comes with wishing that he wasn't and that I'd just be given a chance. Shoot, my husband is looking forward to it himself, he suggested it. I heard being a foster parent to begin with makes adoption much more possible unless you want to pay $30000 worth of adoption, hospital and legal fees for a newborn baby. I know it will be easier for me because I have little preference for any age range or race but that's nowhere near saying it'll be easy. I'd love to just go out and adopt. If only it were THAT simple.

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    • Shackleford96

      Really, no preference at all? No offense, but I just find that hard to believe. Not saying you're lying or anything, It's just really difficult for me to understand how someone could have no preferences like that.

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      • NeuroNeptunian

        I'd hope for a child that isn't a criminal or horribly ill and needing lifelong care so you're right, I do have a preference but aside from that, that's it.

        If it's still hard to believe now then... well, sorry. I like kids. Regardless of color, gender or age.

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        • Shackleford96

          Hmm, well I suppose that is very good then.

          I hope you are able to adopt someday. You will make a great mommy :)

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    • flowergirl87

      I wonder how the American system differs from the British system? Not sure of the costs in the UK, to be honest. In your research did you come across reasons why couples get rejected? Are they funny about it if you're not married? If so, I think that's very backward. What do the couple have to show other than financial, mental, physical and emotional stability? Although, I guess that's a big umbrella there (or four.) Sorry, for someone who is interested in this, I haven't done much research!

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      • NeuroNeptunian

        In this case, I'd say it's best to do the research yourself. Among many reasons, having family that has criminal involvements (regardless of your affiliation with them) and having prior offenses or a less than perfect credit history or less than perfect health oneself can hurt one's chances.

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        • flowergirl87

          Yeah, I actually started doing some. You don't have to be married - at least not in the UK. Thank goodness for that. The checks are very thorough, but they have to be, I guess. They can't seek the perfect person/couple, though - there's no such thing!

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          • I hope she doesn't succeed in Adoption OR having kids by birth. We don't need anymore people like her *cringes*.

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            • flowergirl87

              Who are you referring to here? If you're talking about NeuroNeptunian then you're being seriously out of order and I think you owe an apology for saying that.

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          • NeuroNeptunian

            Here in the US, I don't think marriage is an explicit requirement but not being married really hurts you.

            The system is ironic in that there are good, willing couples who earn a decent living and have child rearing skills who will get turned away for the most trivial reasons whereas abuse and crimes against children are frequently being committed by obviously unsuitable parents in the system and they get the blind eye.

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            • flowergirl87

              How do you mean not being married hurts you? (Or hurts one.) As in, it's not looked upon well? And that's a shame about good couples being turned away etc. It must be heartbreaking if you get turned away for a trivial reason.

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        • charli.m

          "Among many reasons, having family that has criminal involvements (regardless of your affiliation with them)"

          Really? :( Fuck. I'd guess it'd be the same here.

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          • NeuroNeptunian

            I've read that even attending therapy or some sort of treatment for a mental illness such as depression can hurt your chances and not knowing many people in the area too, some of the reasons are so trivial.

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            • charli.m

              Well great. That's me fucked. So much for plan fuckin B huh?

              ...Not the actual back up plan...hah.

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    • Lillian63

      I said it multiple times and I'll say it again: having your own kids is 100% selfish. Why? Because you're doing it for the sake of blood ties and "mini-mes". If you really want to be a honest parent, you should adopt, regardless of the trials of it (No offence).

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      • NeuroNeptunian

        I am not self obsessed enough to feel like blood ties and mini-me's are the reason to have kids. I'd have kids because I want kids. Even adopting is selfish as I wouldn't be doing it to give some kid a second chance. I don't feel that it's my responsiblity. I'd be adopting so I could have kids. Period.

        Do the research. Seriously. Do even half of the hours upon hours of research I have done before you start spouting off this "millions of kids in need of adoption" argument. My mother was adopted and her family was wealthy and had to use every possible connection in a town that they owned to adopt her. I want children and I'm not going to sit around pulling strings and praying that some adoption agency might allow me to be a Mother despite my now being able to pay tens of thousands to do so.

        Selfish? Yes. Yeah, it's selfish. My spending time and resources on anything for my own sake is selfish. I've accepted that unlike you, I'm not a completely selfless person. You're better off spending your time arguing with someone that hasn't accepted their humanity.

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        • NeuroNeptunian

          My *NOT being able to pay

          Believe it or not, people often have kids because they want kids, not because they're morally depraved, narcissistic fuckwads. I want kids and I'm not going to throw my fate as a potential Mother into an inherently difficult system. Call me selfish. I AM selfish. I hope that I can adopt one day, but I'm not going to lose sleep at night if I can't and if people like you, who think the difficulty of adoption is underrated, have a problem with me

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      • Shackleford96

        No, that is not true. Some people just have different preferences is all. You will not understand this though. I am fairly certain that arguing with you about this would be like talking to a brick wall, so I'll just not respond to your oncoming response.

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        • Lillian63

          You do know that you'll have to respond to me sometime right? Otherwise i might not stop typing to you. By the way, having kids is a completely selfish act. You cannot deny that. There are many kids in need of adoption but people are too flipping selfish to adopt those kids. I'm willing to bet that you're one of those people. You anti-adoption people disgust me.

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        • Lillian63

          Whatever. You know i'm right you just don't want to admit it.

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  • Hippie

    Don't forget that there will always be accidents.

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    • Ibelievethis

      I would prefer to call an unplanned pregnancy a happy accident. Planned or unplanned babies are a beautiful gift. xx

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    • Lillian63

      Then I suggest to the people that make those accidents to be more careful. We don't need anymore unwanted kids. I bet it's the people that don't use enough protection are the main reason we have so many kids in foster care and orphanages. Here's a note to all those assholes: GET YOURSELF STERILIZED.

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      • NeuroNeptunian

        Now I am convinced that you're either a fucking idiot or 14 years old.

        I dare you to go to a good doctor and ask for sterilization. They'll tell you:No, and will likely do so until you either have kids or you are in your mid-thirties. Whether you are male or female, they will turn you away. I guarantee you. Go do it. I would bet money on it. I'm not kidding.

        You won't do it though. Because you want to believe that all birth control is 100% effective, that all parents who have natural children are narcissists, that sterilization procedures are as easy and cheap to get as botox injections, that adoption is as simple as going on Amazon and ordering yourself a child, because you live in this fantasy land devoid of humanity and reality and you literally have no idea how the world works and you want to talk down to others because you just don't understand the world. You don't understand how difficult it is to even adopt from foster care and you don't understand the risks involved with it either.

        Graduate high school, do some research and don't come back until you do.

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        • Don't be mean to her. I think she's perfectly aware of the fact that not everything is 100% foolproof and she is not stupid. She knows that getting sterilized isn't cheap or easy. And she knows adoption isn't easy. She's just stating her opinions. If anyone needs to be educated, it's you. You're making an ass out of yourself and I will not let you bully my friend. Now back down and cool your heels. Thanks.

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          • NeuroNeptunian

            Because calling people that reproduce by accident assholes and telling them to get sterilized like it's some easy little joke is exactly what someone who is educated and aware of life in general would say.

            If her telling people that they are narcissists for breeding and insulting them in the process can be considered an expression of opinion, then I think I am entitled to mine. If she feels she's being bullied, there's an X button at the top right corner of the screen.

            You tell me I need to be educated but you won't tell me what I need to be educated with. Manners? Is that what you were going for? Weak.

            I'm just as entitled to my opinion that she is a teen girl or an idiot as she is that I am a narcissist. And no, a lot of what I said isn't opinion. It's factual information that the both of you would know if you actual practiced what you preached and went and tried to get sterilized instead of coming here and saying shit like other people should do it.

            So once again, graduate high school, do some research and then come back and tell us all that we're full of shit and that *I* am an ass, when you guys are the one's talking about how parents are ALL narcissistic, selfish assholes.

            You have a nice day, and do wipe the tears from your friend's eyes for me. Learn to take it or don't dish it.

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  • SeverusFan23

    I would have to agree. People shouldn't reproduce so much and adopt more kids. I'm not saying this to be mean.

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  • Speaking to myself:
    I'll do this for the rest of my time being on this site. I don't care what people think of this not even Charli.m. It's their fault i'm doing this they just don't know.

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    • EndlessSuffering

      Are you serious? There is no "speaking to myself" section here on IIN, you could keep them to yourself OR present them in a less violent or hateful manner.
      And yes, you can suffer, suffer in silence in your own mind, if you "tell" us it's not silent anymore.

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      • Whatever. Say what ya want. I don't care. Besides, if you don't like what i say or how i act just ignore me. It's truthfully none of your business. I don't need to explain myself. Good day to you sir/mam.

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        • EndlessSuffering

          It sure isn't my business, but you're "attacking" other members on this website, which frankly I do give a shit about. So, keep your opinions to yourself and don't say shit about people,say it to their faces not behind a computer screen.

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          • SeverusFan23

            Aren't you attacking someone right now? You're talking behind a computer screen. Hypocritical, don't ya think? This is the internet. People are free to act as they want and say what they want including me. -_-

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  • Speaking to myself:
    I'll be damned if someone decides to come into my me-to-me conversation....

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  • Speaking to myself:
    I don't care if people find this very strange. I was foolish from the start to believe that people wouldn't be mean to me here...I'm my only friend here so i'll keep talking to myself.

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