Is it normal that i believe religion is evil?

I believe it's evil because it promotes Sexism & Abuse of Women, Violence, War, Bigotry, Close-Mindedness, Excessive Procreation, and Murdering of innocent people along with stupid rules to follow within the different religions. I wish people would abolish religion all together. IIN?

Voting Results
71% Normal
Based on 101 votes (72 yes)
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Comments ( 27 )
  • Religion isn't evil. People who interpreted it wrong are evil. Religion in it's essence is a good thing. I mean, what is wrong with living your life by respecting the 10 commandments? Evil are the people who used religion as an excuse to brainwash people, to start wars, only to satisfy their own interests.

    Religion is ethics more than anything else.

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    • whitefiredarksun

      Because the 10 commandments are all about how you should go about worshipping God... specifically one that enjoys burning flesh as a sacrifice.
      I. Thou shalt worship no other god.

      II. Thou shalt make thee no molten gods.

      III. The feast of unleavened bread thou shalt keep.

      IV. Six days thou shalt work, but on the seventh day thou shalt rest.

      V. Thou shalt observe the feast of weeks, of the firstfruits of wheat harvest,
      and the feast of ingathering at the year’s end.

      VI. Thrice in the year shall all your men children appear before the Lord God.

      VII. Thou shalt not offer the blood of my sacrifice with leaven.

      VIII. Neither shall the sacrifice of the feast of the passover be left unto the morning.

      IX. The first of the firstfruits of thy land thou shalt bring unto the house of the LORD thy God.

      X. Thou shalt not seethe a kid [ie, a young goat] in his mother’s milk.

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  • dom180

    Not all religion promotes those things to all people who follow them, and plenty of things other than religion promote those things.

    Aren't you being a little close-minded and bigoted yourself?

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    • whitefiredarksun

      When something is irrational, it is not close-minded not to humor the idea of it. If I tell you the world is not flat it is not close-minded of me.
      They're obviously not being bigoted here -- otherwise they would not ask your opinion.

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      • dom180

        They don't have a religion and I agree that's not close-minded. I don't believe in a god either. They're going further than just not believing, though. They're calling religion "evil" and wanting to abolish it from everyone in the world just because of their own personal feelings. That's a big, big difference from just not agreeing with it.

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    • try2understand

      I would like to "second" this response.

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    • anti-hero

      Beat me to it.

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  • thegypsysailor

    Even the Buddhists are going around killing others these days, and they are the most anti-violence group on the planet.
    All religions are bad, practiced by hypocrites; mouthing the teachings of peace and love and acceptance, but doing exactly what they please anyway.
    The Christians murdered hundreds of millions of people in the crusades; it isn't just the Muslims who are murdering swine.
    "Ethnic cleansing" in the name of one god or another, religious groups killing each other because they are of different sects, it goes on and on throughout history.
    God has caused more unnecessary deaths than anything else; we'd all be better off without the concept of god, in any form.
    Those who believe in any god are weak, unprincipled and easily led people (sheep) who cannot take responsibility for their own actions and therefore use a "god" as their excuse for inaction.

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  • Unimportant

    I think that religion is only useful for two kinds of people: weak ones or evil ones.

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  • nawtyalice

    religion is the root of ALL EVIL

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    • 8-Evil-Waffles

      Ignorance is the root of all evil.

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      • Lonely2


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  • soul777

    religion was created to control humanity and separate them from each other/ in other words to weaken them

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  • Nikkibitch

    Yes it is!!!

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  • Riddler

    No it is people that do this.

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  • thegypsysailor

    It is not at all normal, but I agree wholeheartedly!
    Religion is for weak, spineless people who cannot take responsibility for their own actions. More people have died on this planet over religious beliefs than for any other reason.
    Without religion this would be a more pleasant and peaceful world, without bigotry, hate and intolerance.

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    • AnonymousMan

      what, are you just a bitter old man? fuckin old geezer. quit being such a dick. theres honest, like me. and then theres being a straight up dick, like you.
      also, if you think this world would be better without religion, think again. you need to do your homework for thoroughly

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      • thegypsysailor

        Why so nasty about an opinion?
        Are you that insecure?
        There can not be a god or he/she would not allow all the horrors in this world; if there is then he/she is a horrible entity for allowing all those horrors.
        I have never met anyone who believes in god who is not a total hypocrite, saying one thing in church or where ever and doing exactly as they please the rest of the time. You are a prime example; are you a Christian? "fuckin old geezer. quit being such a dick/ straight up dick, like you." Very Christian of you, don't you think?
        So that makes you a hypocrite, just like all the other "true believers".
        You made my point for me, thank you.

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  • Jfdp

    Like any idealogy, No matter how pure a religion is Youl always get power hungry bastards using it as a tool to indoctrinate the uneducated masses, usually leading them to do the exact opposite of what their religion preaches.

    Note- Most religious texts warn extensively about this . . .but will people listen?
    I gues were just wierd like that.

    But il sum up my views like this when chistianity came along, it started preaching views practically incompatible with human nature (Forgive your enemies no matter what, ect)

    The whole concept of good and bad in western society is based on Christianity.

    Heres a quick example - Spartan boys test of manhood in ancient Greece was sneaking out and murdering slaves without getting caught , there a hundreds of examples such as these from the ancient world, everyday rituals and goings on that would be considered sycopathic behavior today- and don't give me the crusaded or the jihad as a counter to this argument those people have a scant idea of what their religion telling them to do.

    The root of all evils isn't religion its religion coupled with ignorance

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  • I believe that people who parade their hatred of Sexism & Abuse of Women, Violence, War, Bigotry, Close-Mindedness, Excessive Procreation, and Murdering of innocent people in the manner you do are actually the base cause of such things.

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    • soul777

      please explain how this would be true.

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      • Please explain how it wouldn't.

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        • soul777

          because the hate of those things could not have existed before they did

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          • Most people who protest such things with unusual vigor are just saying "look at me, I'm a good person" it's all about them and making themselves feel better. It's sick.

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  • flowergirl87

    Well, you are kind of right, it does often promote those things : / And definitely has in the past. In my opinion, religion isn't the smoothest move the human species has ever made.... It's all rooted in control (and lies.)

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    • whitefiredarksun

      Too bad so many people have the brain capacity to hope so much in something to discard their belongings in search for an idea, but do not have the capacity to reason themselves away from the irrational.

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  • tabula-rasa

    Religion in it self is a great thing for insecure people. But what no one seems to understand is that you should believe, not in what man says about god, but in what god means to you.
    Faith doesn't need your money,
    Its doesn't need your life, or anyone else's for that matter.

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