Is it normal that i believe that dogs give unconditional love?
I believe that if you have a dog, the dog will give unconditional love to you. Is this normal?
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I believe that if you have a dog, the dog will give unconditional love to you. Is this normal?
I've always wondered if dogs had the ability to love. However I do like to think that my dog loves me :)
Thats like saying "If you have sex you might have kids" well no duh! We already know that!
Look, I found Moonbow on another page about dogs. Ranting up a storm about why they are such bad animals.
I do not use the name "Moonbow" on any site but this one, so how about posting a link to that other "page" where you found me "ranting up a storm"?
Dog lovers are sadists. Otherwise, they wouldn't love an animal that chases down and rips apart little fawns, sheep, goats, chickens, etc. purely for the fun of it. Tell us, Ghostclaws," does listening to helpless animals cry in pain as they're torn limb-from-limb by the filthy fleabags you LOVE so much give you an orgasm?
Fact: When a dog sees it's owner the same chemicals are released that get released when we see our partner.
Animals are capable of feeling love. They love anyone who feeds them and pets them :)
Sure, other animals can feel love too. Don't think it's unconditional though.
I was wondering ........ What if a female dog lets me bone her? That's unconditional.
No it's not normal, you clueless dog freak! Dogs don't "love" at all. They are animals and animals are survival-oriented, i.e., they do whatever it takes to eat. If you think your doggie "wuvs" you, stop feeding it and have someone else start feeding it and you will see how quickly your fleabag transfers all that "unconditional love" to the other person. How old are you, 10?