Is it normal that i believe the world is going to end next month?
everyone has been spreading that the world is going to end 21st December 2012 and I'm starting to get scared for my children, is it true?
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everyone has been spreading that the world is going to end 21st December 2012 and I'm starting to get scared for my children, is it true?
Of course it's true. Just like, 2011, 2000, 1999 and 1984. You better get your zombie survival kit ready and hope the Doctor can save us.
I have no "zombie survival kit" but have kept for a couple of years a draw next to my bed containing a switch blade, tape, flashlight, batteries, scissors, pliers and a short length of rope. I keep it there for emergencies, but I suppose it could double as a zombie survival kit if it really happens!
You should give me all your money and extra stuff since you won't be needing it.
Surely if the world ends you won't be needing it either? Or do you plan on space-shuttling the fuck outta here? :P
Sarcasm is what he is implying. He is letting the person who posted this to keep thinking that it will all end next month and to leave him everything because he knows it is not true.
Yes I get the joke -_-
My point was... If OP thinks the world is going to end, that equals the end for all of OP's worldly possessions, and the end of NotStrangeBird too, so there'd be nothing left to leave behind and nobody left to leave it behind for. See?
So not really much of a compelling reason for OP to put NotStrangeBird at the top of his/her will, is it? "Everyone is going to die including me, so why not leave me your stuff?" :P
Notice I said extra stuff. We do not know how long it will take for the world to end, and I wouldn't want the OP to get hungry, thirsty, wet, or sober in the interim. It could take like 36 hours, you know.
Maybe I'm just on the lookout for a chump.
Maybe I was just trying to get a cheap laugh.
Maybe I was considering the metaphysical ramifications of the OP giving their posessions to me as a last act of purification preceeding their journey from the material world to beyond?
I bloody hope so, the ball and chain is making me go to some fuckin wedding on the 22nd.
I read a useless fact that the Mayan calendar didnt account for leap year so the world was supposed to end months ago. So ah, get your panties out of that bunch.
No, they would have no reason to. The Mayans used planetary positions to create a calendar based on natural cycles. Leap year isn't needed as an adjustment as it is already accounted for during our trip around the sun. Leap year was a solution to the problem created by the Gregorian calendar. It's not as if January 1st is the new year on a universal scale, just the calendar. And ever wonder why October is the 10th month and not the 8th?
Mayans were a clever folk. I do believe something got lost in translation. But it's safe the say, the world will not end just because we reached galactic center.
Do not worry, the world is not going to end on 21 December. It is going to end on 7 January 2013. Just have a look at the numbers: 7 minus 1 minus 2 minus 1 minus 3...equals zero, the end.
The Mayan calender actually did not take into account leap years.
So instead of ending next month, the world was supposed to end a couple of years ago, according to the Mayan calender. And it still hasn't.
We aren't going to die.
The field of study you are referring to is called ESCHATOLOGY. Look it up on Wikipedia. Ministers have been prophesising the apocalypse in the US since the Millerites in the early 19th century and even before that. Just before the turn of the first millenium AD (i.e. the year 1000), there was a huge fear throughout England that the world was going to end (even though any date is just an arbitrary point in a calendar which is a madeup time measurement device by the men in power at the time. There is the Julian calendar, the Gregorian calendar, the Jewish calender, the Hindu calendar, etc.) The best things for you to do is research the field and that will put it all in perspective for you. Knowledge is power. It will completely allay your fears. The world will not end in our lifetimes, but in our grandchildren's lifetimes, the land mass could be smaller (due to rising sea levels) and hotter.
God's gonna end the world. The rapture could happen any time... How is anyone really suppose to know?
It will be the end of the technological age. There will be a lot of solar activity next year, causing some technological problems. It will start with an increase in dropped calls and end with man relearning how to grocery shop without an app for that. So essentially, the world is not ending, but will be reborn.
I don't believe in that doomsday non-sense. Don't worry everyone. You have nothing to fear.
Google NASA scientists debunk Mayan doomsday predictions. If some of the smartest Americans alive say it isn't going to happen, then you shouldn't worry.
First of all: I seriously doubt the world will end in a few weeks. Hundreds of people have predicted the unthinkable would happen way before now, and have been wrong.
Second of all: You should be thankful that your children at least lived for that long. Many people's babies die when they are born. So yes, you should be thankful that your children lived for that long.
we are all going to die one way or another just not on the 21st December....... um ok some will
If the world is gonna end next month, i am the most unluckiest person coz my birthday comes after 21st of december... :(
Hey none of it is true, these bunch of 'twats' are being fools people said the same thing over a million of years ago and it didn't come true so don't worry nothing will happen
lmfao go away the people that insulted me, thanks for the answers the people that took this seriously:)))