Is it normal that i believe vegetarians and vegans are hypocrites?

Not saying that they're neccessarily bad people (although many are stuck-up, holier-than-thou piss ants that make jackasses of themselves by trying to force their views on non-vegs like myself) but I believe they are hypocrites (That and some "Vegetarians" eat fish-that is NOT Vegetarism as Vegetarism means NO MEAT and Veganism means NO ANIMAL PRODUCTS OF ANY KIND. Why? Because animals aren't the only living beings on the planet: plants, fungi, even bacteria are alive. What vegetarians and vegans need to know is that you can't live without taking life. In order to survive and thrive, life must be taken (Yes, fruits and vegetables are also living in a sense). The only way to spare anything from death is to not eat at all and starve.

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65% Normal
Based on 43 votes (28 yes)
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Comments ( 27 )
  • I think they know they can't live without taking life, they just dont like the thought of killing and consuming certain "higher" life forms like meaty animals. Plus I think vegetarians are also against how animals are treated in the slaughter industry and refuse to support such cruel treatment of life.

    You have a slight point, yet not really...

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    • RegGuy

      If they are protesting the inhumanity of the meat industry, then they should just purchase humane meat, and let the free market work.

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      • shuggy-chan

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  • TrollsAreStupid

    I'm vegetarian; very strictly vegetarian, no meat, no gelatine, no seafood, no leather, nothing that required an animal to be killed. This is for both health reasons (there is SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE of the health benefits of vegetarianism and veganism, I have done huge amounts of reading and research on this) and moral reasons.

    Yes, plants, fungi etc are alive. But they're not conscious, at least as far as we know. They don't think, they don't feel. Commonly eaten animals, however, do. Pigs, cows and sheep feel pain and possibly unhappiness/fear.

    So what's the problem if these animals are treated well, they're free range and they are killed painlessly? Well, the ranches where these animals live are far from eco friendly. Cattle ranching is a major cause of rainforest destruction, for example. Farming animals produces methane, a greenhouse gas. And growing food such as corn to feed these animals takes up valuable land and water that could be used to grow food for starving people.

    Vegetarians and vegans are not hypocrites. They are good people trying to help make the world a better place. I have nothing against non vegetarians, and I believe it is their choice, but you shouldn't dislike vegetarians and vegans before you've done your research.

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    • shuggy-chan

      I believe the OP is victim of some preachy, over-zealous "vegetarian" (i use that term loosely) that are probably trying to follow the diet for the wrong reason. It seem some people seem to do it just so they can "feel" like they are better then others that dont. Similar to Religious Bigot that say everyone else but use (fill in the blanks) are going to hell.

      It the work of a few that taint the image for the whole. its annoying

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  • dom180

    It kind of makes you an asshole to attack people for trying to minimize suffering. At least they are bothering to try.

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  • callingfrom

    Vegetarian =/= Jain. Yeah, you're going to kill some things in your life, whether you like it or not, but by no means does that give you the right to throw caution to the wind and turn into a one-man killing-machine; ideally, the goal should be to *minimize* suffering, since the outright removal of suffering (short of dying, anyway) is a laughable goal. Bacteria are alive, but so far as we know, they are not sentient; the same can be said for plants, fungi, and the like, at least they may not be sentient in the same way as faunae. Evolutionarily speaking, it wouldn't make any sense for things such as plants to be able to feel pain and whether or not such lifeforms are truly *sentient* is still a matter of much debate. Vegetarianism can be healthy, and if you believe what they say about vegetarians having lower chances of developing various diseases, then it might be ethical towards oneself to eat a mostly vegetarian diet, considering that in the long run you would also suffer for eating too much meat. Also, vegetarians are jackasses? Hello pot, meet kettle. Have you heard any omnivores' rebuttals to vegetarians' claims?

    My personal favorites: Animals eat other animals, therefore it's okay for us to eat them (animals also kill one another, practice slavery (ants!), practice infanticide, publicly have sex, and don't wear clothes; by all means, let's adopt these customs as well (also, if I live in a country in which rape is exceedingly common, does that give me right to do so?)

    Animals would eat us if they could, so we may as well eat them (I've been humped by dogs before; I guess I may as well start fucking them - they'd do the same to me, right?)

    Eating meat is natural (children aren't born with defenses against certain fatal illnesses - therefore, it's unnatural and unethical to vaccinate them).

    I have certain aesthetic reasons for being the way I am; the idea of a carcass rotting in my stomach is one I'd rather not make into a reality.

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  • anti-hero

    I believe if it tastes good, eat it.

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  • Aries

    leave your body in front of a bunch of starving animals and see if they are concerned with preserving human life ...if we are talking about feelings and such that these animals have . It's the natural way of life and the small percent of vegans to meat eaters is not going to change a think only give them a sense of change and alternative lifestyle which they are entitled to .. just under false realities and more pipe dreams I think . I don't care if someone is vegan I just do not whole heartedly understand their argument especially when they become worked up about it .

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    • callingfrom

      The point is to *minimize* suffering, rather than inflict it when it isn't even necessary. Most of us will probably never find ourselves in the sort of situation you speak of, but self-defense I would say is permissible (a question, since you seem to base your assertion that we should eat animals who do us no harm whatsoever (chickens, cows, fish, etc) based on the notion that some animals would do it to us, should we also walk about aimlessly shooting our neighbors in the name of self-defense, just because some people under certain situations cause us harm?). And if we'll talk about the 'natural way of life' (ugh, another fucking naturalistic fallacy), maybe we should allow women with narrow waists to die during childbirth (along with the child, of course; not only is this natural, but natural selection will eventually make it so that such women no longer exist anyway).

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    I calls genocide

    celery genocide

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  • Hi, the OP here. You know what else bothers me? Vegetarians/Vegans want to stop animal cruelty yet, they don't do much about it. Yeah, they won't eat meat but what about confronting the real issue here: Factory Farming as well as Fur-Farming? Both of these are very bad and many animals are abused, neglected, and given hormones to make them larger, have more meat, produce more milk, etc. If Vegs and Vegans really cared about animal welfare, wouldn't it make sense for them to confront the factory farms, report all abuses, boycott their meat production, and get people to have old-time farms again (Where animals are actually treated well, non-drugged, and grass-fed)? I just don't think that people are solving any of these issues by kicking meat and animal products out of their lives.

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    • callingfrom

      IT doesn't exactly help our cause that anytime we do try to raise these issues, we get labeled 'hypocrites,' 'whiners,' and are chastised for being too 'sanctimonious' as well. Boycotting their meat production? We do that shit all the time, man. That's what our diet is all about - and the number of documentaries, periodicals, and informative pieces regarding the inhumane treatment of animals in the meat industries is absolutely staggering. The fact that many of these meat producers are wealthy and can afford lobbying and powerful attorneys doesn't exactly help either when trying to 'confront them'; especially when you consider that the majority of western society will continue to buy their products regardless of whether or not they find their treatment of animals reprehensible. This is why we must inform the consumers of these products, particularly by appealing to them in anyway that we can imagine (e.g. 'Vegetarianism is hip' 'da Vinci, Newton, Shaw (and Hitler) were all veg' 'You'll look slimmer and more attractive' 'it's good for the environment' 'animals are treated cruelly in factories' etc), as well as try to direct them towards the necessary media. Of course, it doesn't help that anytime one tries to bring these issues to the forefront, they get labeled 'jackasses' and the meat-apologetics come forth. Really, when it comes to the subject of sharing vegetarian ideas or even ideas regarding compassion towards animals, you're damned if you do and damned if you don't; keep your ideas to yourself and you're a slacktivist who isn't interested in doing anything constructive for the benefits of animals, share your ideas and you're being pushy. Vegetarians are so rare in the west compared to omnivores that even if they did come together, without input from omnivores, not much would be effected; which is why we must get support from others, those who consume animal products and thereby drive up demand for such things, in order to actually get the necessary power to effect meat industries' policies. The catch-22 though, is that some people find that to be 'pushy'.

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  • sanan22

    no body is forcing you to become vegan/vegetarian.
    we (vegans) can only share our experiences and ideas with other meat-eaters because becoming vegan has made our life much better both physically and mentally (for example becoming vegan solved several personal chronic illnesses for me) and we wish that others also experience the same good effects.
    if you don't want to experience those effects then the choice is yours.

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  • handsignals

    I worked with this Asian who was so Vegan she wouldn't eat fried food or soup in case they used animal fat in it's production but she didn't mind getting a credit card just to pay for a $4000 LEATHER hand bag just because it was some designer shit FUCK YOU HYPOCRITES!!!

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  • shuggy-chan

    your lumping in the minority in the whole lot. similar to religion, just try to ignore the vehement preachy ones and know most are just normal people. I eat mostly vegetarian myself, from when i used to live in my Dad and he was vegetarian.

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  • lolol555

    To be fair, not all vegetarians don't eat meat because they feel it's wrong. Some just genuinely don't like it, whether it's because they dislike the taste or feel uncomfortable directly eating the dead meat of an animal.

    Yes, I know you mention other forms of life, but honestly most people in the world prioritise what forms of life are most 'significant'. I.e. in general, someone would find it difficult to sympathise with a plant but may be able to with an animal.

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  • mishkabunny

    The act of not eating animal products is awesome to me, but this whole elitist social identity thing being vegan has become bugs the shit out of me. I try to eat as plant based as I can, but I refuse to ever call myself vegan because of the connotation.

    But really, I think people should be free to make whatever dietary choices they want. Just as long as they don't preach their personal ethics like their way is the only right way.

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  • DemonicFortuneCookie

    Live and let die.

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  • irresponsiblehate

    I used to be a vegetarian. I was so annoying and preachy back then.

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  • dickwashington

    i never understood the fish thing why isnt fish considered meat to anyone

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    • callingfrom

      Same here. Hell, I once knew a 'vegetarian' that also ate eggs and fowl. Generally, people who don't eat meat except for fish are considered 'pescetarians'.

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  • thr

    First of all, it is not necessarily so that all vegetarians/vegans do it for moral reasons. Some of them do it because they think it makes them healthier.

    That being said, I think you're making a mistake akin to critisizing an action movie for being a bad romantic comedy, when it is just trying to be an action movie.
    As far as I know, they are not claiming (most of them anyway) that they don't eat living things. They are saying that they don't eat meat.

    I think it would be hypocritical for a self-confessed strict vegetarian to eat a steak. I do not think it is hypocritical for someone, who says they don't eat meat, to eat plants.

    They have probably come to conclusions regarding morality that say that eating plants is okay. I, myself, find it sensible to distinguish between animals and other life forms.

    I think a lot of this is a case of too much rational-only thought. I agree that death, of loved ones at least, is sad/bad, but taking a principle that says 'killing is wrong' and applying it generally in that simple form is something I don't agree with.
    As is evident, that makes it possible to go from "killing people is wrong" to "I may not eat anything".

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  • charlie54321

    meat it looks delicious taste delicious makes me feel strong vegetables fruit etc tastes delicious looks delicious for me its a no brainer really (ug cave man).rape, beastiality don't do it for me (not quite sure how that comes into it)as for rotting carcass well what about that rotting carrot next to it .and health issues well im sure there's many other things out there worse than eating meat for example alcohol . so I guess we settle for personal preference

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  • turnips321

    I don't eat meat because eating dead animal remains grosses me out. but to each his own

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  • sega31098

    I think they are going for the sentience factor.
    I have more respect for vegans because they acknowledge the value of the life itself rather that the feelings.

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  • flawdagirl

    My mom claims she is a vegetarian but she has no problem eating seafood. It doesn't make sense.

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