Is it normal that i believe vegetarians and vegans are hypocrites?
Not saying that they're neccessarily bad people (although many are stuck-up, holier-than-thou piss ants that make jackasses of themselves by trying to force their views on non-vegs like myself) but I believe they are hypocrites (That and some "Vegetarians" eat fish-that is NOT Vegetarism as Vegetarism means NO MEAT and Veganism means NO ANIMAL PRODUCTS OF ANY KIND. Why? Because animals aren't the only living beings on the planet: plants, fungi, even bacteria are alive. What vegetarians and vegans need to know is that you can't live without taking life. In order to survive and thrive, life must be taken (Yes, fruits and vegetables are also living in a sense). The only way to spare anything from death is to not eat at all and starve.