Is it normal that i bring my phone to the bathroom stall?
I go on my phone while on the toilet because I get bored when pooping. Normal or not?
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I go on my phone while on the toilet because I get bored when pooping. Normal or not?
Tis the age where we want things right now.
I would say it's normal. Personally never done it before but I have installed a shower bluetooth speaker and connect my phone to it to listen to music, etc.
Are you supposed to leave it outside on the sink where someone can take it?
You shouldn't "go on your phone" when you urinate or defecate... unless you have a really good warranty and the service center has a good sense of humour about dealing with your shitty phone.
1) Speak for yourself. Unless you have an army of mind-controlled minions?
2) If you're going to insult me, at least use the right word. Crass means "rude and insensitive to others' feelings". If you find poop offensive, you probably shouldn't be on this site.
Its rude to the people around you and the person on the other line who has to hear your nasty pooping sounds.