Is it normal that i can change my dreams?

okay so before you say ya its lucid dreaming i have different expierences. so like i will be dreaming and when my dream is approaching a nightmare usually i can change it to a different outcome or even switch to a different dream without waking up. however sometimes when i have a night mare i cant wake up. like ik im dreaming and im trying to wake up because i cant breathe and im scared and im like screaming but when someones sleeping by me ill ask them when i finally do wake up and they say im not. like my chest will feel so heavy and even in regular dreams i get so real sensations. like if i get hurt i feel the pain even when i wake up sometimes that part of my body will still hurt. well yeah opinions plz! ps i really hope im like some magical being that can like talk to the dead and read minds and shit. but i already predict the future like fr i say something will happen and it does but i cant do it for ppls futures i can just sense a situation. even sometimes i will dream it and remember it and it will actually come true and its not like stuff i can control like im going to but icecream to day. but i really dont want to be able to be able to like know my death and when and creepy shit like that no thank u

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Comments ( 7 )
  • CaptObviousGamer

    It's usually not normal to be able to control or change your dreams, it's quite rare actually. Sadly no, you're not some magical being, anyone can do that actually, but it's still rare because most people aren't aware they're dreaming. But what's happening with you is that YOU are aware that you're dreaming but your body isn't and so your body thinks its in control but at the same time so are you, but your body has more control over your dream than you, so you can only change the dream not control it.

    This phenomena is called partial lucid dreaming. It happens when both a person's body and their spirit control the dream at the same time.

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    • janicefromaccounting

      sad about not being a mystical being. but this made so much sense!! i geg panic attacks too. sometimes they last for hours and ik im having one but my body wont cooperate with my head. like ill want to do something but then all of a sudden i will start puking or feeling rlly ill or my body will hurt and then i dont do what i should do. its sucks because it looks like a am malingering my pain but it is oh so real :c i have an auto immune disorder (celiac disease) so maybe that effect my state of well being idk

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      • CaptObviousGamer

        hmm... you may not be a mystical being but something supernatural seems to be happening. It's either a demon or a ghost. trust me, they do in fact exist, I had a few encounters with them. I was once woken up by a ghost, as for a demon, it was messing with my family but we warded it off with a prayer. Lucid dreaming or Partial lucid dreaming combined with panic attacks where you can't control yourself and pain and puking or sickness is something I can not explain scientifically. I suggest a prayer, It'll ward off what ever is messing with you... if not I'm not sure how I can help... It doesn't sound like any disorder or disease I've heard of or anything like that. The best advice I can give you right now is just pray.

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        • janicefromaccounting

          one thing i do know is there is no way in hell im going near a ouiji board nope nu uh. and im pretty sure i dont have a demon in me becz im a demon myself. i mean practically my whole life is trolling lol jk but see i would become friends with the demon and we would hang out and i dont think demons are into that shit. ghost mayb but arent we all just spirits. mayb they want to contact me oooooooohh i hope the have cool ghost stories

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  • hokkaido

    I can change my dreams too :D

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    • janicefromaccounting

      damn we should be on heros

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      • Terence_the_viking

        You are dream warriors.

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