Is it normal that i can change my dreams?
okay so before you say ya its lucid dreaming i have different expierences. so like i will be dreaming and when my dream is approaching a nightmare usually i can change it to a different outcome or even switch to a different dream without waking up. however sometimes when i have a night mare i cant wake up. like ik im dreaming and im trying to wake up because i cant breathe and im scared and im like screaming but when someones sleeping by me ill ask them when i finally do wake up and they say im not. like my chest will feel so heavy and even in regular dreams i get so real sensations. like if i get hurt i feel the pain even when i wake up sometimes that part of my body will still hurt. well yeah opinions plz! ps i really hope im like some magical being that can like talk to the dead and read minds and shit. but i already predict the future like fr i say something will happen and it does but i cant do it for ppls futures i can just sense a situation. even sometimes i will dream it and remember it and it will actually come true and its not like stuff i can control like im going to but icecream to day. but i really dont want to be able to be able to like know my death and when and creepy shit like that no thank u