Is it normal that i can only express myself with violent creations?

When I was in Elementary I only drew and wrote stories that were sickeningly happy. Rainbows, smiles, and love galore. And back then that's how I expressed myself.

Now it's as if I've made a complete 180, and my mind has decided that I am no longer able to make anything seemingly cheerful anymore. It's not as if I miss it, but it makes me wonder if I'm normal or not.

My drawings and stories vary, but they usually depict some sort of violence (murder, abuse, rape, etc), mental disorders (hearing voices, delayed or off-tune emotions, twisted forms of love that come out as stalking, and the notion that only a few in the world really deserve to be in it. As if everyone else can be easily thrown away, without much regard at all.

From Elementary to now, my whole artistic style has changed. And to a degree that I actually enjoy a lot. I think it gives me more freedom as a writer/artist. But, I'm kinda concerned about it occurring within a 10 year span. So, is this normal?

Voting Results
78% Normal
Based on 41 votes (32 yes)
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Comments ( 12 )
  • NotStrangeBird

    I'd be more concerned if you were drawing the dark stuff as a kid, and are now drawing rainbows & ponies as a teen.

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  • sahtiwaari

    Now that I'm thinking about it, my art as a kid was all about dragons, elves and orcs. Now that I'm a grown up, my art is about the very same things. But before the orcs, dragons and elves were all happy, and now they cut each other's heads with axes...

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  • treyaloso

    Make video games.

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  • neuronarf

    Same. I used to draw angels, flowers, bunnies, and faeries as a kid.

    Now I just draw how I feel and it turns out pretty morbid. I think it's because my parents forced me to repress my feelings; told me I couldn't listen to dark music, couldn't draw dark things, or behold a demon appears! Satan! Now I just don't give a shit.

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  • Wendell


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  • thanksforthefreecar

    Dont kill anyone

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    • s4rawberry

      No promises.

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  • thanksforthefreecar

    Scary... But whatever

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  • mysterymen3000

    That's called dominateix

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    • s4rawberry

      Sadism IS a lot of fun to write. ;)

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      • Energy

        Mmmmm... I'm a masochist and that really turns me on. I'm thinking about writing stories about rape or something. Haha.

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  • redneckgirl1507

    Either my art is dark or looks like I was on drugs when I made it. Or both.

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