Is it normal that i can't eat red meat because of this?

I can't eat red meat because I fear that it could actually be human flesh. I've heard of incidents in the past where meat suppliers actually sold human meat instead of animal meat to their customers and of a serial killer who managed to give people the flesh of his victims and pass it off as being venison! I don't know how to tell the difference between actual animal meat and human flesh. It scares me that in the past I could have unknowingly ate human flesh. If I did I don't know how I would ever be able to live with myself.

Because of this the only meat I can eat is seafood and chicken. Is it normal?

Voting Results
19% Normal
Based on 70 votes (13 yes)
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Comments ( 19 )
  • anti-hero

    I'll take my chances, I love steak.

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  • NotStrangeBird

    I'm no genius or a doctor or butcher, but I find it hard to believe that there's any part of the human anatomy that could be passed off as a ribeye steak.

    I think you have a better chance of being hit by lightning, frankly.

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  • thegypsysailor

    Watch out, here comes a meteor!
    There's lightning 100 miles away, don't leave the house!
    Hey, don't fill your bathtub with more than 1' of water; I hear you can drown in 2!
    Get a grip dude, I'd bet my life on the fact that you will never be given human flesh to eat in your lifetime.

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  • Barugel_Azulay

    I wouldn't worry that much. Meat is meat. It's all the same, what the fuck.

    You'd be surprised to know that the very same person telling you this won't ever eat anything cum-like (cream, soft cheese, yogurt, mayonnaise, and so on) for the obvious reason. Even typing those words on the computer gives me a revolting sensation in my stomach.

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  • myboyfriendsbitch

    Apparently it tastes more like veal and it's quite the delicacy. What you would worry about is the amount of insects approved in our meals by the FDA.

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  • You give entirely too much credence to urban myths.
    You could always raise your own livestock, or hunt like I do. Harvest and process your own meat. It's better...and cheaper anyway.

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    • myboyfriendsbitch

      That is awesome. The only thing i hunt and eat is fish and it's so primally delicious. What all do you hunt?

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      • Deer, pheasant, rabbit, squirrels...anything that won't eat me first...

        ...and that's just because that type of game doesn't live around here...;)

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  • Wendell

    I'm going to start being Ricky Gervais on this site.

    That's complete bullshit that any butcher has served human meat. Try actually looking up what human meat looks like and I'm sure it is different than beef, venison. This is an impossible fucking fear.

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  • If human tastes like venison bring on the feast.

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  • paulywalnuts

    human flesh looks more like 'chicken' than red meat. dissect a cadaver if you don't believe me

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  • MacG

    From what I've read, human meat resembles and tastes like pork, and some cannibalistic tribes apparently called it "long pork". While revolting, it wouldn't harm you physically. And if you didn't know it, you shouldn't feel any guilt either. But it's an irrational fear anyway. It's not going to happen. Statistically you probably have a better chance of winning the lottery twice without buying a ticket.

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    • Itazu

      Actually, you have a greater chance of being infected with some disease if you are the same species as the meat you are eating. So it can actually be harmful, if the person whose meat it is had a disease.

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      • MacG

        I'm not so sure about that. I took a class in parasitology (right before lunch every day!), and there are plenty of threats lurking in everyday foods. Proper preparation, cooking, and storage takes care of the vast majority of pathogens. A cannibal might have to worry about the odd case of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease from prions, but would actually be more likely in danger from Bovine Spongiform Encephalitis from beef. And again, human isn't on the menu at your neighborhood diner anyway.

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  • Karmasbitch

    You have givin me a new paranoia!

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  • Hottigene

    Since iv never eaten human Flesh I dont know what it taste like it may taste totaly differnt then Beef bitI dont think to many Butchers are going to do this I think your watching to many Movies also if your ordering a Good steak for example im sure the cut of the meat would look different.

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  • loopoo

    Become a vegetarian. I'm a vegetarian, it's fun to look down on meat eaters.

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  • TheCrazyone1301

    Oh ewwww!!!! Red meat o.o

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  • Become a vegetarian.

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