Is it normal that i can't fall asleep until really late?

Ok yes I know that you are supposed to get like 8 hours of sleep each night but I can't. Believe me I've tried and tried and tried I usually can't fall asleep until around 1AM, in the morning I have to get up at 6 to get ready for school. I can't ever fall asleep at a good time, and if I do I can't STAY asleep. The on,y way I can sleep is thinking about my crush and pretending that we are married and I make up stories but you don't care about that so... HELP ME BE ABLE TO STAY AWAKE AND ENERGETIC DURING THE DAY!!!

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86% Normal
Based on 51 votes (44 yes)
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Comments ( 4 )
  • yesnomaybeso

    Don't sleep for a day and wait until 10pm the next day (even if you're freakinf exhausted)

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  • riffraffy

    Melatonin 2mg before bed. Don't eat late at night, and for heaven's sake get off your phone.

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  • skarpella23

    Smoke marijuana , it helps more than sleeping pills and less harm

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  • FORUMiadableFucker0

    Sleeping pills....
    or completely exhaust yourself and sleep all next day.

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