Is it normal that i can't go back to facebook?

I know this will sound crazy, but here's what happened. I have deactivated my Facebook since December of last year. The major reason behind this was some relationship drama and heartbreak. Two years a go I started to like one of my friends, and as time went on I started to really fall for him. I don't want bother you guys with many details about this, but some how he made me feel it was mutual...maybe he was playing with me..maybe I misread the signs, I don't know! But he told me he doesn't share the same feelings and so on. I left Facebook though cause I felt I couldn't bear seeing his posts and pictures with other girls, and he also kept changing his FB relationship status, etc. Well, I know it's his life and everything but I felt it was a bit inconsiderate, since this was only like one month after what he told me and he also said we're best friends, but of course that made me feel he doesn't give a damn about how I feel. So I deactivated but we kept in contact. I tried to stay away but he wouldn't have that. Now, it's been a month since he talked to me...Sometimes I feel that's good, but sometimes it drives me crazy..I'm feeling so lonely too..

so I thought I should go back to Facebook at least and get back my old friends who probably forgot about me :S But I COULDN'T!! Throughout last year, I logged in sometimes but that was cheating..I tried to remain unnoticed and leave quickly. But today I intended to re-activate permanently and couldn't!!! One thing, I didn't know what to do with him, delete him or leave him. Another, I literally felt as if I have developed a Facebook phobia!!! Like I can't deal with anyone or can't understand what's going on! I have been without it for long and I feel everyone is already so distant. So, I'm not sure if it's going to help me or make me feel worse, maybe that's why I got scared. But I don't want to remain alone either. Has this ever happened to you? Do you have any suggestions as to what I should do? I'm sorry for make read all of that, but advice would really be so appreciated.

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Comments ( 8 )
  • Kaladin

    Don't let this go on any longer. If you want to use FB, and this is the only thing stopping you, then reactivate your account and remove him. It doesn't matter whether it seems mean to do this, you just have to do it for your own sanity.

    So you know where my advice is coming from: I had a very similar experience myself, but not involving social media.

    I was friends with a guy when we were both around 17 years old. I wanted to be more than just friends after a few weeks. He was spending loads of time with me and never any other girls at the time. I decided to tell him how I felt.

    He rejected me. Desperate to cling on to him in any way I could I stayed friends with him, though it was very painful when he was with other girls, or when he got drunk and came on to me just because I was there.

    I allowed him to torment me in this way for years and years. Always leading me on, then shooting me down again. Flaunting (or so it felt to me!) his relationships in front of me while I was single and miserable. I feel like my heart was broken by the same guy at least 5 times. Not a healthy way to live.

    (The remainder of this story: after 4 years we eventually dated. He never loved me the way I loved him, which made for a pretty terrible relationship. After 2 years, 1 of which we lived together, he suddenly dumped me for another girl. When she rejected him, he tried to come back to me. I finally found some sense and told him where to go. Best thing I ever did).

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    • Thank you..your post really helped me

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  • popsy123


    FB is just a application...
    Don give it too much of importance ....

    U can remove him from ur fb frens....i do it sumtimes wen i have a fight with sumone(just recently i did)

    FB can drive u mad more mature to just login for fun ...

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    • darthknight

      When is your birthday? So I can buy you a dictionary.

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      • popsy123

        I dint get you!!
        I have not mispelled anything!wat do u mean huh??

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        • darthknight

          I really hope you're a troll.

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  • Terence_the_viking


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  • julialynn

    Get a Life.

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