Is it normal that i can't go to the bathroom at work unless i'm forced

is it normal that I can't use the bathroom in my work unless absolutely necessary. If I do have to use it I've got to mask the sound of me going to the bathroom by flusing the toilet at the same time. If I ever do go to the bathroom then I can't get out of the cubical if there is someone outside washing their hands, I have to wait for them to leave. Is it normal?

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71% Normal
Based on 34 votes (24 yes)
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Comments ( 4 )
  • kinklu

    One of the disadvantages of the Mediterranian Diet is that all those beans, broccoli, etc give you gas. I hate it when I'm at the urinal next to others and pass gas loudly for long periods and it sounds like a motorcycle revving up.

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  • nowimsureimsane

    Sometimes it bothers me if someone can here my piss splashing into the toilet.

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  • Ono

    I avoid going to any public toilet if I can. Especially if ill need to sit down.

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  • equanimity

    Everyone does it. What is so special about it when you do it, that you think someone would actually care if they heard you?

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