Is it normal that i can't stand age restrictions?

I HATE age restrictions. When i was a minor, I signed up for things that someone "must" be 18 for out of spite. When I see the minimum age for things go up, I get very pissed because I think that it's completely evil, restrictive, and ridiculous. I want to change this about society. Am I normal?

Voting Results
75% Normal
Based on 97 votes (73 yes)
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Comments ( 50 )
  • sandnigga

    Yea I would watch porn when I was under 18 haha

    Good luck trying to change society's mind. I feel the same way.

    The sex age should be lowered to 16. Cause lets be realistic, kids are having sex at that age or even lower.

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    • charli.m

      Most US states have the age of consent at 16.

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      • sandnigga

        Im talking without consent

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        • charli.m


          Well, don't you just keep getting better and better?

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          • sandnigga

            No not rape Xo

            I mean without parents consent

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            • charli.m

     you even know what you're talking about?

              Christ, you get stupider by the second.

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  • AB1234

    It seems to me that people (not directed to OP) have an extremely difficult time empathizing with others. I notice people my age (late teens) are always throwing shade at parents and older people. They drive too slow. They don't understand what life is really about (??). They don't "get it." And older people criticize younger people. We're naive. We're irresponsible. We don't "get it." And both groups feel they're right and that other group is insert-your-favorite-epithet-here. So I can't really sympathize with either since there's no lack of irrational discrimination from either side.

    I did learn in one of my classes last year that the human brain doesn't on average mature until the mid-twenties. Up until then, important neurological development is still occuring that heavily influences judgment. So there's at least a biological justification for some age limits. And even though research can be misguided or wrong conclusions can be drawn, I also believe there's a lot of global research to hold up the idea that very young adults my age are still green enough generally that we don't make as reasonable decisions as older adults.

    When I was 12 I got really, really angry at my parents for not allowing me to visit friends in WA who had their own ranch and would shoot real rifles for practice on their large property (at paper/wood targets, never living animals). I thought I was a smart kid, so age restrictions shouldn't apply to me. That was just seven years ago & I can see now there was no freakin' way I was ready to be alone with friends on a shooting range at 12. But you couldn't have told me that back then. I think most of us grossly overestimate how smart and wise we are. Waiting a couple years to be able to do something major isn't the end of the world, and likely has some good cultural reasons for being enforced.

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  • iEatZombies_

    How rebellious.

    Those sites are perfectly fine with underage traffic, that's most of their traffic anyway. The legal shit is just to make parents feel better. I wouldn't try fighting it too much unless you want parents to actually do something about it. If you fight it, kids might actually have to -prove- that they're 18 when they sign up for these sites.

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    • LittleGirlRapedAndSodomised#R4

      That's damn straight it's to make parents "feel" better which doesn't solve anything but make them "feel" better so what is society left with without proper leadership?

      Very simple, we've got a "mass majority" under the guise of democracy allowing Sodomite boyscout teachers lead the boyscout club. (you know God damn well why).

      The reason I don't mention "girlscouts" is because according to FAGS there's no demand for girls but not because they're FAGS but because they're SODOMITES.

      Now I'm venting/ranting.


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      • AB1234


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        • LittleGirlRapedAndSodomised#R5

          What part of my message did you not understand?

          FAGGOTS are now allowed to serve as boyscout leaders the ban was lifted years ago, FAGS become boyscout teachers to molest children for the same reason a necrophiliac becomes a mortician.

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          • AB1234

            Dude (?), are you for real? It's 2016. Time to put that myopic bigotry to sleep for good. Major peer-reviewed publications on child abuse and molestation (outside those funded and biased by the religious right) are clear that homosexuals are not predisposed to child abuse. There's no credible evidence to justify gay-bashing.

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            • LittleGirlRapedAndSodomised#R6

              You'll have to site your source for me to take you seriously AB1234.

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  • charli.m

    There's generally a reason for the restrictions. Not always a good one, but it's not like they're just to spite...

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  • kasaikitsune12

    never go by age

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    • sandnigga

      society isnt smart enough or responsible enough for that

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      • kasaikitsune12


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        • sandnigga


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  • GuardianoftheHumanRace

    This is why we need to start doing coups d’états.

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  • _Mehhh_

    I only think it's silly when people get really stupidly strict about it, like not letting a 16/17 year old drink or watch an 18+ movie. That's really sad when people nitpick over it to that degree.

    Also here in The UK, because of the conflicting sexual consent laws and porn age-restriction laws, you can legally HAVE sex at 16 but you can't legally WATCH sex until you are 18 (not that anyone is going to stop you). Irony...

    With that said, it is a matter of degrees and I do understand why age restrictions are there on some things. A sensible parent isn't going to let their 6 year old child watch the Saw films and play GTA, let's be real.

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  • wigz

    Write your Congressman.

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  • mysistersshadow

    Good luck with your crusade.

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  • Couman

    I feel the same way. I'm now old enough that no minimum age restrictions apply to me... except senior discounts I guess, but I still feel rather negative towards them. It's interesting that while nearly every other kind of discrimination is roundly condemned nowadays this kind is still widely accepted.

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  • Shackleford96

    I think that restrictions are certainly necessary on some level. That being said, when I was much younger I got around nearly all of them. My mom was not technologically capable by any means, so parental restrictions on her part were pretty much non-existent. Yeah, I was probably exposed to some stuff I shouldn't have seen yet, however, I still don't feel like those restrictions were necessary for me or that getting past them did me any real harm. If anything, It just made me more aware of the world. I can understand that many people want to prevent that exposure though, so it makes sense to have them for that regard. As to how effective they are and if they do any real good in the long run, I don't know.

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