Is it normal that i can't stand people over-using the word 'so'?

I love talking to, and listening to people, but I can't stand the way more and more people over-rely on the word 'so'!

It's obviously a quick way of adding emphasis to your words (nothing wrong with that), but is fast becoming a lazy crutch word for absolutely nothing. It's very commonly thrown into sentences alongside wildly overwrought platitudes, or with bucketloads of false positivity, and manages to piss me off almost every time!! A few examples:

Instead of "thank you for [insert gift/gesture]", it's "thank you so much!", said in that irritatingly self-aware, 'I just want to appear to be grateful' kind of way.

Nothing - a new book, movie, video game, etc. - is just 'good' or 'excellent' any more - it's "so amazing". And usually it fucking isn't amazing either!

People's stories don't seem to have conventional beginnings any more; it's passable just to say "So I was at the supermarket...So I spoke to John...So I saw your Facebook status" and so on.

Plus, I find it harder and harder to watch TV or listen to the radio, because everyone is on 'so' overdrive! Actors, musicians, presenters/hosts, celebrities, witless vox pop interviewees; more and more people keep leaning on it:

"I LOVE that song, it's SO amazing"

"It was SO great working with [insert name] on this movie, he's such a good actor/director/whatever"

"I LOVED Hawaii, it was SO beautiful, thank you SO much for taking me there"

...etc etc. I feel like the celebrities using this manner of speaking are probably doing so partly at the behest of some asshole PR person / agent, but ordinary people have no reason to lean on 'so' in the way they do!

It really gets on my nerves! I know I'm a bit of a curmudgeon with stuff like this but does anyone agree? IIN?

No comments of 'so?' or 'so what?' please, that would be too easy! ;-)

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60% Normal
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Comments ( 15 )
  • dirtybirdy

    So I guess I'm in trouble then

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    • VioletTrees

      I'm in so much trouble.

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  • yesnomaybeso

    So I guess you were already expecting so many messages with the word so. So funny :p

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  • cantheist

    Mind your own business.

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  • GuessWho

    Yeah. It's getting as bad as people inserting the word 'like' into every sentence.

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    • great-southern-trendkill

      That pisses me off too! Again, it's a crutch word - some people throw it in when they can't find the right word in conversation. There's nothing wrong with not being able to find the right word straight away, but, like, throwing a crutch word in, like, makes you seem, like, stupid and shit. ('And shit' or 'and stuff' is another pet peeve of mine, but let's not get into that just now. ;) )

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  • howaminotmyself

    I catch myself doing this from time to time. I try to be conscious of it. But it's usually when I realize I have digressed into something off topic. I'll put unnecessary emphasis on the word "so" as I change the subject.

    Also, I had a friend from highschool who aways responded to the phrase "so what" with "sew your pants" so the word is annoying to me on a different level.

    And I understand why you'd find it annoying. There are a lot of word choices out there and many ways to put emphasis on a thought. It makes people sound a bit .... trite. But sometimes, the word is so totally useful. :P

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  • bananaface

    Oops! I'm guilty of this. A lot of the time I do actually feel really strongly about things, and I feel like emphasis is necessary. However, I do chuck the word around.

    The thing is that when I feel like something is "so amazing" or something like that, a lot of the time it's something small or something that most people think is sort of average or just good, but I'll genuinely love it to bits. It's a bit of a problem, though, because then when I get something which other people think is "so amazing" I don't feel as great about it as they do. But if I don't look grateful or big it up, the other person will take it the wrong way.

    It is annoying, I don't think you're being a curmudgeon:P. Ha, what a funny word!

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    • great-southern-trendkill

      Haha, thanks :-) I don't mind it as much face-to-face if I know the person, and am sure that they're being honest and not falsely positive. But if I see someone like Julia Roberts or whoever talking about something "sooo amazing" on the TV I just have to change the channel!

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  • NotFloydzie


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    • great-southern-trendkill

      Oh no you didn't!

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  • VioletTrees

    I'm not sure how you figure that "thank you so much" is less sincere than "thank you for the ____". It seems like either could be completely fake. The latter is just more formal.

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  • q25t

    Ahhh I hate you OP!!! I now notice everytime someone says it and it turns out to be all the time.

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    • great-southern-trendkill

      My work here is done! ;)

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  • GoraIntoDesiGals

    So what if I say so every so often?

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